I hate when I miss like a page of replies so I'm out of the argument.

So continuing off of what you said, say these people who spent a good 12 years in school learning to become a doctor, when they're finally out...OHSH-- A miracle happens and everyone in the world was cured.

Well, here's the thing. I'm pretty confident they have knowledge to perform other things in this world. Like, idk, developement of mankind. Making it so we're stronger, the type of experiments that happen in our orginal post to prevent future diseases IF something happened.

EmpirezTeam, I know I'm late with the reply but you were completely wrong with what you said. Yes, they would still keep paying cops if there were absolutely no crime. Cops would slack a little bit, but they'd still pay them to make sure there is no crime. Not to mention you have to pay people even if their jobs are done just to keep the economy going. When I said people are corrupt, yeah I meant "some people are corrupt." Sorry, but I don't think it works exactly like that.

There's a whole system that messes up if you stop paying these people so in general you would pay these people just for keeping things 100%. You don't fire the programmer after he just finished making the game 100%.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
My entire claim was that doctors don't want healthy people, whether its so that they can keep making more and more money, or as you explained: to simply be able to help people.

Back to square one again, I see.

The counter argument presented by everyone else was that most doctors want people to be healthy. They became doctors to ensure that people stay healthy.

Look at it like this. When I go to my doctor, I get asked what my diet is, what my sleep cycle is, my personal hygiene, what drugs I'm using, and if there's any external stress. Now, I'm in the green for most of these(external stress factors being the exception), but I imagine if I told my doctor that I dined exclusively at McDonalds, and bathed in chicken grease, that he would advise that I start eating healthy, and actually bathe like a normal American(daily).

Now, if my doctor was greed-motivated, meaning he does not want healthy people, he would probably neglect to inform me of my diet and hygiene.

I'll address the utopia ideal that you set forth, although Jp already hit the nail on the head.

Lets say that nano-mollecular technology gets to a point where nanaobots are capable of being put into the human body, preventing injury, disease, or anything that could hurt the body. The entire medical system heads south.

This will not happen overnight. It will take years, with technology taking baby steps to this final outcome. The medical field would slowly dissipate as technology improved. Many would notice said decline, and chose a new profession, most likely the nanobots taking the place of the doctors and nurses. So by the time the final outcome is reached, the medical field would have been abandoned in favor of jobs in other fields.

So your argument is null, can you see it?
Disturbed, I get what you're saying, but its not disproving my claim:

"Doctors don't want healthy people, whether its so that they can keep making more and more money, or as you explained: to simply be able to help people."

Corrupt or not, doctors want there to be sick people. Thats why they went to college: so they could get a job helping sick people.

I don't see how your paragraph on nano-mollecular technology makes the above claim "null". Could you explain how it does?

EmpirezTeam wrote:
Theres a cure for everything in this world.

Congenital, dietary, permanent injury and others tend not to be curable. Would be nice though and I'd love to share your optimism some time in my lifetime.

But if everyone in the world is completely healthy, how would doctors, surgeons, pharmacists etc. keep their jobs?

Perhaps there will be a day when even the common cold or the ever mutating flu were permanently eradicated.

That being said, athletes, the uber vain, the dying, and hypochondriacs will always contribute highly to the total available medical market.
Bootyboy wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Theres a cure for everything in this world.

Congenital, dietary, permanent injury and others tend not to be curable. Would be nice though and I'd love to share your optimism some time in my lifetime.

But if everyone in the world is completely healthy, how would doctors, surgeons, pharmacists etc. keep their jobs?

Perhaps there will be a day when even the common cold or the ever mutating flu were permanently eradicated.

That being said, athletes, the uber vain, the dying, and hypochondriacs will always contribute highly to the total available medical market.

Indeed, I submit to you all. I was mistaken. This is an argument I admit I have lost. Sorry to have been such a nuisance.

I have to get back to creating my game now. See you around.

Create matter.
Jamckell wrote:
Create matter.

From comment #20:
I would love to see you do posts on thermodynamics and the Big Bang over those nonsensical Israelite posts.

That would be an example of "trying harder". You accept the challenge?

What the hell does 'create matter' even mean? 'matter' is not particularly well-defined. Depending on your definition, nuclear physics may well qualify.

In other news, what makes you think that something called 'god' created matter?

(Plus, it's traditional to use the phrase 'playing god' when referring to biological sciences. It's actually a pretty common use)
Jamckell wrote:
Create matter.

You're being obtuse again Jamckell.
I'm apologizing before I do this, Sorry.

Jp wrote:
(Plus, it's traditional to use the phrase 'playing god' when referring to biological sciences. It's actually a pretty common use)


Matter... create it.
Jamckell wrote:
Matter... create it.

From previous comments:
I would love to see you do posts on thermodynamics and the Big Bang over those nonsensical Israelite posts.

That would be an example of "trying harder". You accept the challenge?
I accept the challenge, but on one condition.

Create matter.


Create matter.
By creating matter you will have created matter. Similar to the way you would create matter.

EDIT: Inevitably, I must say, you will have been creating matter in the process if not after it by doing this.
Jamckell wrote:
By creating matter you will have created matter. Similar to the way you would create matter.
EDIT: Inevitably, I must say, you will have been creating matter in the process if not after it by doing this.

The amount of energy it would take for me personally to do so is not feasible.

However, you could do a just a smidge of research on thermodynamics and the Big Bang to understand some principles of matter creation.

You have a verve for research -- just focus on something non-fiction for once. Your front page ban will probably be lifted once you do.

y da big bang gotta b tru

how come in cant b da small bang n da big pop

u not lways rite u not rite like u say u rite

wat verve not even word u not smrt
Jamckell wrote:
y da big bang gotta b tru
how come in cant b da small bang n da big pop

u not lways rite u not rite like u say u rite

wat verve not even word u not smrt

Try harder.
Tell you what Jamckell... I am going to just temporarily ban you from this post... just temporarily.

I want you to do some of the diligence I've requested. Post it on your blog. When you do, then we can resume our discussion.

But we're getting nowhere when you aren't really thinking out what you're typing.
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