
by Yut Put
Survive with your pals, build a house, and get eaten by werebunnies.
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
I would like some technology and stuff. Such like Turtles [From the ComputerCraft MC Mod] and SteamBoxes that have a Gui/Hud and Steambatteryes that you can put in stuff like turtles. Then the creeper that when it tuches you it flashes [like in MC] and if you dont get away from it within 3 seconds it blows up.If you kill the creeper it drops 0-3 gunpoweder and when you have 5 you can make a TNT Ammunition.Then with 4 sand you make the Cover and when you combine the cover with ammunition you get TNT.And the steam engine here would be too OP cause it makes infinite energy.Add some generators and Coal And some gui to furnaces and ores adn crafting bench and durability on tools!

These are my suggestions.Hope you like them!


EDIT:just fixed some spelling issues/typos
EDIT2:added some new ideas
1. TNT is already in.
2. We're AVOIDING minecraft like-suggestions
3. Steam engines shouldnt need coal :/ We have water and lava, which actually makes steam.
In response to TikTik
TikTik wrote:
2. -We're- AVOIDING minecraft like-suggestions

You missed that production meeting last week so Yut Put fired you for your unreliability.
In response to Falcon lazorz
Stttiilll aaa jeeerrrkkk