Could i type DM code into a HTML using javascript
I don't understand the question much, but you can use JavaScript in browsers using DM's browse() and output() procs.
What i mean is something like this
Say(msg as text)
world>>"[usr]: [msg]"

and then when you open the HTML document you will be able to use the say() verb
In response to Linkin5622
If you mean for a webpage, then no. DM only works within the Dream Maker compiler, web browsers have absolutely no clue what it is.
maybe this is a very very stupid question but is there a way to include the compiler in the web document
In response to Linkin5622
No, sorry. You'll have to use Javascript or some other web-friendly language if you want to give your web pages behavior.
dang it well thanks anyway. I think i found some libraries that will help with databases and servers.