Problem description:
Is there anyway to program integration, differentiation and partial differentiate in the DM?
I have no clue how to do it in c++ and was wondering if DM is capable of doing something like this?
Lastly is the DM capable of doing logarithms and mathematical series?
Thank you, I will try it out :)
Also another question. How many decimal places does the DM allow? |
I think it's based off a C style float value, so ... it can go 1 x 10^38 in range, but will only be accurate up to 6 significant figures.
Basically integration and differentiation are mathematical means of expressing an otherwise long (but simple) set of calculations. In the integration case, you approximate using something like the trapezoid rule of integration.
Ah ha: integration-math-in-c
Case in point, it's really just a programmatic breakdown of calculating the area of a bunch of shapes under the "line" your equation forms. You'll find that differentiation has this too.
log() is built into the language, so logarithms come for free. Finite mathematical series again are really just algorithmic in nature, so yeah, you can do them.
You'll find that any language with some basic mathematical operations can calculate all of the things you've asked for, not just DM.