definitions: definition definitions | definition: IDENTIFIER NEWLINE definition_contents | IDENTIFIER '/' definition definition_contents: INDENT definitions DEDENT |
That's a very simple grammar for something approaching the basics of a block structure language. Accepts these sorts of constructs:
See if you can figure out how it works. You read it like this:
definitions: definition definitions |
A 'definitions' is a 'definition' followed by a 'definitions', or it's nothing (':' is assignment, '|' is alternation)
definition: IDENTIFIER NEWLINE definition_contents | IDENTIFIER '/' definition
A 'definition' is an IDENTIFIER followed by NEWLINE followed by 'definition_contents' or an IDENTIFIER followed by the character / followed by a 'definition'.
definition_contents: INDENT definitions DEDENT |
A 'definition_contents' is an INDENT followed by a 'definitions' followed by a DEDENT
Note: Whether this works on tabs or braces or whatever is entirely dependent on the lexer - as long as it returns INDENT and DEDENT tokens when an indent or a dedent happens, it's all good. This also has a NEWLINE occurring before an INDENT and doesn't accept spurious newlines, which is sort of a problem