I find it kind of stupid that the black Pokémon is in Pokémon White, and the white Pokémon is in Pokémon Black.
Zekrom looks way sicker.
I wonder what's gonna be the story for these two, considering Sinnoh kinda took all the epic background stories for legendaries so these new ones are bound to just be crap.

Arceus is God! But I wtf just caught God with a masterball?

God, I hate Sinnoh.
Ehh i usually get Pokemon game based of of the legendary looks like ill be gettin pokemon White ^_^
The storys obviously going to be the same as it always is...
IcewarriorX wrote:
The storys obviously going to be the same as it always is...

Exactly. =/
MdNight wrote:
PerfectGoku wrote:
Any how, normally Pokemon's target age audience is for people around 8-10, and well looking at these awful character designs and extremely awful presentation...All I can say is they probably lowered the target audience.

The anime is target for 8-10 years old the games, however, target a much older audience. If you just go to youtube and watch all the pokemon battles everyone there is at least 16 and up. Pokemon games are totally not meant for little kids. he in-game mechanics are way too complicated for a 8 year old to understand. And by in-game mechanics I mean how to properly train your pokemon ( EV train) how to breed correctly how to get the desired moves and so on. Now with the wifi pokemon thing, Pokemon got a whole new meaning. Now there is competitive battles all over the place there are now "pros" of Pokemon and strategy involed. If you simply stack your pokemon with rare candies to lv 100 and give him 4 attack moves, he is just going to get smashed when he fights online.
Nothing about the game mechanics are complicated. Five year olds can comprehend it. You're basing your opinion solely on a minimal amount of people you've seen, fail.

Games are aimed at being appropriate for kids, but are good enough to be enjoyed by older people and Nintendo knows this. Heart Gold and Soul Silver are a testament to that. I wouldn't actually be surprised if more people in their 20s bought Heart Gold and Soul Silver than parents who bought the games for their kids. Not to mention the translator for the games is a goon, so he ends up sticking internet references all over the place in the games that little kids wouldn't get the reference.
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