It's done like this so the main post can be easily maintained. Moderators will be able to keep the main post up-to-date by including any new portfolios while each individual artist will be able to update their own portfolio without waiting on moderator approval. It's a great alternative to using the classified ads where posts tend to go unnoticed or just float off the front page. With the artist portfolios each artist will have indefinite exposure without their portfolio fading into obscurity like it would if it were just a normal classified ad.
I've been hard at work on Decadence, it's not going anywhere! Here's a screenshot of the new HUD which can be compared to the old one here. One of the main goals was to separate the game info from the player info. With the game info on the bottom right of the screen I'll be able to easily inform the player what the game type is, which team is in the lead, how many points to win, and so on. In FFA game types the bars match the player's chosen armor color. In order to prevent confusion of over which team the player is on, the player's bar will always remain highlighted. The bars switch place depending on who's in the lead.
The changes made to the player info side were designed to get rid of redundant bars and graphs in order to put a big emphases on what the player absolutely needs to know. The limb damage indicator is much larger and more vivid, it's easier to tell how much each limb has been damaged. The health bar is now more than double the length of the old one, it also had a color overhaul. The main weapon indicator has shiny new weapon graphics courtesy of D4RK3 54B3R. Not only are the weapon designs more detailed, it's also be easier to tell which weapon is in your main hand! Secondary weapon ammunition indicators have been scrapped in favor of a single larger ammunition meter for the main weapon. Player's are able to tell exactly how many shots they have left and how much ammo they have in reserve. AmonR has also drawn new grenade indicators which should help players keep track of which grenade type they're about to throw.
playdominate again. =]