Well another update, this is probably as far as I can take it. I actually added a light source(before it was just random shading really) and better defined the muscles as they were a little flat.

Edit: Also added an extra dark shade just to extra define the dark parts like the armpit, neck next to the head and the ankle. Thanks for all the help everyone
Your getting way to good at this.
Just posted it on pixel joint, let's see what sort of reception it gets their. :D
In response to GreatFisher
Thanks for that, no comment on the art?
heres my edit.

didn't know it was suppose to be a monkey/ape like creature

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs16/i/2007/217/6/3/ peer_anatomy_by_shahbazh.jpg
It's nice(Although not a monkey as you stated), but there are some weird bits as well. His elbow for instance almost looks like a nipple.
XD didn't notice the elbow was tryna rush it. i'll do a ape edit later and add the legs o_O

http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs37/f/2008/270/b/e/ King_Kong_by_dark_spider.jpg

something similar to ^
In response to GreatFisher
On the last variation you posted, the hands look larger than they should be, the legs look like they funnel into the feet, the arms look flat from the shoulders to the wrist.
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