Okay just got Photoshop 2 days ago and through following some tutorials, and experimenting a little, I have managed to put together this piece. I intend to probably use it as a title screen for a game I am making, I may go back and edit it a bit but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. You can give me any feed back you like, but C&C would be prefered.

(Click to enlarge)
The stone section on the wood will be used to show important parts of the players save(Level, name, class maybe a little more) or No Save if they don't have one, The new and continue alternate being transparent depending on which you have selected.
Very nice! except for the black font colour on new and continue makes it a tad hard to read.
Any color you would prefer?
In response to GreatFisher
GreatFisher wrote:
Any color you would prefer?

That wouldn't really be my decision :) I would scrape the new and continue altogether and have the stone on the wood display that, Once you click one it'll fade to the next set of options on the stone.
Just a little note there it'll be and arrow key selection so no clicking, but I don't really like the idea of having it fade in between, the whole idea of the stone was to help making the new/continue decision even easier than it already is. But idea noted all the same.

EDIT: This might not even be the design I use, as I get better I will most probably come up with a design I prefer to this.
I noticed you like Greek-Godish/Myth themed things(Might not be describing what I mean in the right sense). Being someone who likes it myself, i hope you put out more content.

As for the screen, i dislike the way the wooden board looks disorted. Maybe it's just my PC though.
Okay made another title, this one I didn't follow a tutorial so my lack of experience probably shows a little more but I think I probably prefer this one.

The New text shows how the option will be when selected nd continue shows deselected.
This looks awesome bro keep it up cant wait to see more.

I pretty sure there room to improve here but i don't use Photoshop for real.
You learned to do this in 2 days?
Not everyone is a blazing imbecile.
It's simple to learn to use filters in 2 days, so it's believable.
In response to Vrocaan
Vrocaan wrote:
Not everyone is a blazing imbecile.

But most people are.
In response to DvK87
DvK87 wrote:
Vrocaan wrote:
Not everyone is a blazing imbecile.

But most people are.

In response to Vrocaan
Also I like both title screens, especially the first though (too much use of glow effects usually turn me off, realistic looking textures are original and make me happy) I do agree that the black text is hard to read, I recommend an iron texture for the words, for instance here: Warcraft_III_UI_Modification_1_by_Christor86.png you can see how you can use metal detailing on wood to convey a cool look, if you pulled that off itd look really nice. Then you could have the metal light up subtly when you select that word.
In response to Flysbad
Flysbad wrote:
DvK87 wrote:
Vrocaan wrote:
Not everyone is a blazing imbecile.

But most people are.

Thanks for the feedback :), and yes I learnt in 2 days.(tutorials are friend)
If only more people spent the time to actually make use of internet resources instead of making hackey graphics as is the norm. Your work looks good, even your pixel art in your avatar gets me excited.
Why thank you and yes if more people made an effort BYOND would be a better place.
The sword animations.. are so nice. Very fluid, there is more than a single slash animation.. *swoon*
Yes there is 3-4 depending on which swing you look at and how did this become a conversation about my profile pic?
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