Well, as you guys have probably figured out by now, I have a horrible habit of just disappearing for a while.

I've been working my butt off at home but that is neither here nor there.

For my entry in the Get Something Done Challenge of 2010 I am reviving an old project of mine named "Kurt's Quest" It is a single player RPG in the same vein as Dragon Quest I. Years ago I was able to patch together the semblance of a game that I never managed to complete. Having always wanted to complete it I have since then attempted to finish the project two times. The project was once nearly completed however the code base was riddled with both bugs and poor programming techniques from my earliest years of working with DM.

If I am able to complete my lists of tasks in a timely manner I should be able to make a strong showing in this years challenge. As of now I have neither screen shots nor proof of concept demonstrations to show due to a difficult computer situation. However I expect to have several tidbits for your perusal in the near future.


After hours of feverish work on a dyeing laptop at hours well past midnight I have completed the rough blocking of the world map as well as fine tuned the detail work on well over half of it.

Still left are the three dungeons and seven towns ranging from a simple hut to sleep in to a full city.

I have managed to port the old battle engine over and will begin heavy testing of the systems tomorrow.

The major plot points have all been planed out and a story board of sorts exists loosely on paper and in my head.

I still have to create custom sprites for the enemies as well as nicer battle backgrounds. Fortunately the programming aspects are proving to be slightly easier than I had anticipated seeing as how I have gone back over the code base and have begun to purge all unnecessarily complex systems, naming conventions, and other pipe dreams in favor of a simple base that will allow for more streamlining of the project. If all goes well, this time next week I will be in the playtesting/balancing phase and finishing up on content.

Here's hoping.


As of now, that is all.