I just realized, I, Tracy ------ (your not getting my last name) am 20 years old. I totally missed my birthday. It's not like I would have done anything because I don't celebrate birthdays but wow. It also kind of makes me think there my life is going...right now college is out of reach, I dropped out of high school due to reasons I wish not to explain, and I have a job as a waitress in a back water restraunt. Where is my life going? Well, atleast I'm not a teen anymore! I'm a 20 year old women. Uhg that sounds so old...Okay, i'm a 20 year old GIRL.
Happy birthday. I'm older and going nowhere, you insensitive lolita. ;)
I have such an old girlfriend...20, eh? Wow. Age gap of 5 years. <:O

I have such an old girlfriend...20, eh? Wow. Age gap of 5 years. <:O

I'm not your girl friend. -.-
You dropped out of school? Sheesh.. I know you may have your reasons, but it still is sad to hear people doing that.
Hah, dropping out of school is fine, Tristan. The school system is far from perfect- infact, it's terrible. It's restricting and idiotic.
The only thing that currently keeps me in school is that I'm friendly with a few pupils and teachers (yeah, something about the legal requirement too <_<).

There's so much more to life -to everything- that dragging yourself through the schooling system is becoming more and more a waste of time.

Read the book "Why we must disestablish school".
Maybe, Elation, but why drop out of school when you can bear through the last 2-3 years and be able to get a much better job? I can't think of any jobs right now that you can easily get if you drop out, but eh.. bad memory.
Job? Why would you want a job?
Happy birthday!

20 isn't so horrible. I remember 20, wait, do I? Hrm, oh yeah, it was horrible. Meh, anyways... It's not like you don't have options available to you. This job might be ok for now, but I wouldn't suggest it as a smart career move. Most of my friends work in the food service industry, myself included, and it blows hard. Get out of there at your first good opportunity!

Being a teen is over-rated, being and adult is too, but at least you can get all hammered and forget about life's troubles for a while. Mmm, beer. Now there's a temporary solution! Not that I condone underage drinking, but heck, you're legal in Canada! :D

Good luck with that who Life thing. Oh, and your game too. ;)

Back when I was twenty, UFOs encircled the White House and probed all of the 21st Century presidents.

I had a girlfriend who was 21. Yeah, that a HUGE gap of age. At the time, it was nine years. She's 23 now. Yeah, I like older women so?

Yeah, I usually consider anyone over 15 old. Unfortunate, I'll have to call myself old soon. 20 isn't as old as you think. You're like, getting a fresh start up that mountain.
tristan: how dare you say such a thing about high school drop-outs. many of us are just too intelligent to stay interested with todays bullshit high school curriculum, and you have no right to say something like that. someone who shares some of the various code/design/creative talents as Tracy can find many great jobs without a shitty worthless high school diploma; i know, i am one of them.
go fuck yourself.
...okay that was a little harsh, i guess you did show *some* understanding by saying that you "know she has her reasons", but still. fuck you.
Holy Xooxer, you were 12 and she was 21!?

Gah!? With all due respect, you must have been rich, or she must've been kinda ugly. :/

Wait...wait...are you EzrahChan on an alternate key?
High school was worthless i had my mom do all my homework and i still passed all my tests :D. anyways i guess its not as hard as it should be maybe they should push the school system a bit more into having classes like college hmmmm that would be fun ..... oh well let the president make mistakes and let us teens of today fix them in the future heh future scary isnt it i mean when we get to be in our 50's and up wat will the world be like only one way to find out keep L-i-v-i-n LIVIN cause that is the best thing to do. :D
Tactics you have a lot to learn about the real life.
"LIVIN cause that is the best thing to do. :D"

No, it's not. I still maintain that a Humanity-wide suicide performance is the right way to go.
tristan: excuse me? and exactly what do you think you mean by that? ...or are you just trying to sound wise? god... i hope you choke.
Um, no Elation. Mortal Difiance wrote about hooking up with a 21 year old at 12, not me. Tristan, you have a lot to learn about life. Many many many jobs don't require a high-scool diploma. You can start your own business without one, work pretty much anywhere in the service industry, food service, retail, customer service.

Most employers feel the same as Tactics when it comes to diplomas. Actually, I've never had a job refuse to hire me because I didn't have one. Employers don't care if you have one or not. They're not going to be checking your school records to see how closely you almost didn't get it, and they'll more than likely hire you based on your experience, personality and intelligence.

That's right, idiots graduate from highschool too. Employers know this, and they know hiring based on whether or not someone is a highschool graduate or not is a recipe for disaster.

This doesn't mean employers aren't impressed with further education. College will open doors for you, it's true. Highschool, not so much. The only door highschool opens is the one to college, but you don't even need to gradute from highschool to get into college.

I won;t tel you where to go like Tactics, but I agree you don't know jack about the real world.

"Um, no Elation. Mortal Difiance wrote about hooking up with a 21 year old at 12, not me."

Nor was I directing my comment at you. "Holy Xooxer" is an exclaimation akin to "Holy God!" or "Holy Sweet Jesus!". =)
i've never heard that one elation, but when i was a little kid, at southern baptist prodestant catholic church camp, they would always teach us to ask ourselves, "What Would Xooxer Do?" before taking action on an idea... is that the same thing?
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