set src in usr.LearnedSkills
switch(input(src,"Which hand would you like to set this move to attack with?",text)in list("Left","Right"))
Problem description:
As you can see, I'm trying to get it so that this move in particular gives the owner a verb that allows them to set the hand to use it with. It's a sword move, so which hand your using for the sword can be important..
However, as you might of guessed it did't work.
set src in usr.LearnedSkills
This specificly is the problem. We use to have the list set to usr.contents, but of course the move isn't stored in usr.contents so that didn't work.
But when I have it as usr.LearnedSkills, it returns this error.
error: usr.LearnedSkills: unsupported src setting
Is there a work around, or other method that may work?
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