Come on and collect feathers for sakura.They are scattered throughout many anime worlds including naruto,bleach,dragon ball Z,code geass, and much more.Come and play ,its Awesome.
Rules:do what you should,dont spam,harass players,disrespect gms,or afk train
Thanks to my best host, NoXhistory ,the game is online alot more:P
The Worlds
Bug World
Gangsta City
Dragon Ball Z
Final Fantasy
The Castle
Nintendo World
Dracula's Mansion
Dragon City
Dragon's Lair
Tsubasa World
Ant Kingdom
Busou Renkin
Water World
Code Geass
Great Library City
dedicated to Jen22265 whos game testing really helped the game get as good as it is
Apr 30 2010, 10:00 pm
May 1 2010, 6:50 pm
Im looking for a really good host anyone wanna host it,ill email the files to u