i want to make a verb for gms to change other peoples races. i have tried many ways, but i cant seem to get it right. any suggestions?
Aug 26 2012, 2:05 pm
Aug 26 2012, 4:25 pm
How are you defining what race a player is? Do they have a variable such as race = "goblin" or race = "human, or are they based on type paths (/mob/human, /mob/demon, etc)?
In response to LordAndrew
just the simple
<code> mob var race = "" </code> |
In response to LordAndrew
and this is how it is changed
var/race = input("What were you born as?","Choose a Birth Race") in list (/*"Moki",*/) |
oh great another zeta rip but the code you showed above would work but here is what i would try something like this
obj/Character but if you want to let user select different player race then something like this obj/Character |