I need help with finishing this rock monster I created. I'm not that good with colours or pixel art for that matter so I ask of your help. Thanks in advance.


First Edit
Tried to change the head. Here's what's left;

Second Edit
Tried to shade a bit more, and clean up the lines..

Third Edit
Attempted highlighting of edges of the head.

u 2 pro 4 byund man
Looks good. One thing I noticed is that it's a bit dark though.
Also the shape of the head is rather square. Good attempt otherwise and the shading looks to be decent (kinda small so its hard to really tell alot)
It looks like a mushroom with a body on it well i cant be talking because of my photoshop skills .....
2nd Editt definitely looks better.
Cool. Thanks. Which other things if I may ask?
Yut Put that's horrible
now its alot better that SilencedWhisper can see and read what you have done to help him improve on his piece.
In response to PixelRat
PixelRat wrote:
now its alot better that SilencedWhisper can see and read what you have done to help him improve on his piece.

How to instruct like a boss, level:PixelRat.
I made a rock monster for my game similar to what you are trying to make. All of the people helped me a lot. You should see the thread too: forum/?post=816093&page=2#comment2490195