(See the best response by NNAAAAHH.)
I downlaoded a library and then copied the relevant code to a new code file. I now want to delete the library listing in my tree as I have no need for it to be there. I can right click it and hit delete but it remains on the list. There are no longer any files inside of it as I have deleted all of them. How do I get this off of my tree.
Spindraft wrote:
I downlaoded a library and then copied the relevant code to a new code file. I now want to delete the library listing in my tree as I have no need for it to be there. I can right click it and hit delete but it remains on the list. There are no longer any files inside of it as I have deleted all of them. How do I get this off of my tree.

Open byond.exe(the pager). Then in the menu go to My Hub -> Edit.... Find the library, and uninstall it.
The only .exe's I've opened don't have a hub and there are no libraries in my hub entries on my homepage. I am not sure where to look. BYOND is not in my x86 files as I have it on an external drive. Call me brain dead but I can't find the file.
Best response

You could manualy go into the folder and delete it.
Cool, I found it. Having most of BYOND on the external confused me cause I wasn't seeing the normal lists. Finally found it in the Docs folders on the main comp.