Keywords: label
(See the best response by Kidpaddle45.)
hello I would like to ask for help on the label I want to put a window with hp and mana
Please complete the easiest and possible
Best response

In the line where it says:

"InterfaceName" is the ID of the pop up you'll create in your interface file.
and "HP" is the ID of the Label you'll create inside "InterfaceName"

Add that proc somewhere so it activates... Ex: when a player levels up,under the Level up proc,add src.ShowHPandMana()
In response to Kidpaddle45
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
> mob
> proc
> ShowHPandMana()
> if(src.client)
> winshow(src,"InterfaceName",1)
> winset(src,"InterfaceName.HP","text='[src.Health]'")
> winset(src,"InterfaceName.STAM","text='[src.Stamina]'")

In the line where it says:
> winset(src,"InterfaceName.HP","text='[src.Health]'")

"InterfaceName" is the ID of the pop up you'll create in your interface file.
and "HP" is the ID of the Label you'll create inside "InterfaceName"

Add that proc somewhere so it activates... Ex: when a player levels up,under the Level up proc,add src.ShowHPandMana()

Wasn't Developer Help Made For People Can Understand. I mean like for people can understand instead of giving them the code right away am if am wrong am very sorry.
if(winget(src,"Window Name Goes Here.Child ID Goes Here","is-visible")=="true") {return}//Checks if the skin with the name is visible and if it is then it ends the verb
winset(src,"Window Name Goes Here.Child ID Goes Here","is-visible=true;text=\"Text Goes Here\"")// this winset makes the lable visible and outputs the text

This might be better understanding for the people who are new to byond