![]() Sep 14 2012, 5:41 am
:( This is gonna be tough. I refuse to drop out!
Yeah, I'm going to have to drop out. I vastly overestimated how much time I was going to be able to work on my project, and it all came off the wheels during the weekend.
I will, however, be polishing up my project and submitting it to the hub relatively soon. Not to mention I've found a pretty crippling bug in my collision detection system, for which a workaround is going to take more time for me to implement than I can afford. |
I'd like to say I'm still in but it all depends on what I can throw together in the next five or so hours.
I'm still in as well. I'm where Albro1 is though, it's pretty much done.
I wasn't able to make it multi-player but, meh. Now, if I have the time during DnD, I can add at least one more boss. Currently I can speedrun my game in about 5 minutes. Not good, then again, it's only 1/10th the size of the final iteration so if I continue with it after the contest and finish it, it'll probably end up being a 1-2 Hour game. Also, no minimap, I'm making the areas and connecting rooms easy enough to be remembered easily. The rooms are different but they'll each connect to a hub, which will connect to another hub. Possibly secret routes between? We'll see... |
Only about 8 hours remaining! Be sure to read over the submission guidelines so nothing goes wrong!
Remember, you can only submit once! |
Yut Put wrote:
Overall, I personally think this was poorly executed. Restrictions as opposed to themes, and silly ones at that, and dates following the previous competition way too closely. I didn't mind the restrictions. What made this contest very difficult for me was merely the timing. College was just getting into full swing for me, I had a big balancing act to do. |
I disagree with the restrictions being the problem. I think that they could spawn tons of interesting and different game concepts. If anything, having restrictions that are very clear-cut should let you focus more on making something that is your own as opposed to having to work in some silly nonsensical gimmick to fulfill a theme.
I do agree, however, that the contest followed Game in a Week much too closely. |
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25108410/ Nox%20Cavum%20by%20Bravo1.zip Edit: I think I have no chance of winning so I threw in a crummy ass ending and entered it anyways. I'll still finish the game hopefully over the course of the next few weeks. Edit #2: GODDAMN I JUST REALIZED A GLARING BUG. If you die in the very first room you have to reset the game in order to continue. Hitting "Load Game" After dying (in the first room) will do nothing as the first checkpoint is the second room and I forgot to include a save call after hitting "New Game" Edit #3: FFFFFFFUUUUU- I forgot to force multiples of 32 when changing map size, so it looks like it'll be blurry if it's not at 1x (and you have a crummy graphics card which doesn't support Nearest Neighbor as a filter). Hopefully I don't think of any more bugs.... |
Anyone who's falling through the moving platforms: I can't fix that. For me, it works perfectly fine and I only fall through them when I get damaged. Watch your health, if you get damaged and then fall through the moving platform, let me know, there may be phantom enemies that are not being deactivated properly and are hitting you while you ride the platform.