Event Aug 31 2012, 8:00 pm
to Sep 14 2012, 8:00 pm
Note: Please read the entire thread if you would like to enter. Failure to follow all guidelines will result in disqualification.

Theme List
You must pick one of the following themes and adhere to it to be entered within the contest. You do not need to publically announce which theme you're picking, but feel free to ask clarifying questions.
  • Small Window - No dimension for your only window can be longer than 320 pixels.
  • No Violence - No violence, killing, blood, weapons, guns, etc. If it's remotely violent, don't include it.
  • 5 Colors - Your entire game cannot use more than 5 colors. This includes your interface and everything. Also, no alpha is allowed.

Hello again, everyone!
As a sequel to my other contest, Game in a Week, I'm going to be hosting another contest! Hopefully it ends up being more fun and successful than the last.

Game in 2 Weeks will be a game development contest running between 12AM September 1st to 12AM September 15th. You must submit a finalized version of your game with all files that are required to make the game playable packaged with the .dmb and the .rsc. All of these files must be in one zip file which is sent to hexbit@ymail.com. All files must be in my inbox by the deadline, and you cannot send your entry more than once. The first version that I receive will be judged and no other submitted versions will be judged even if they are submitted with time remaining. For my ease, you must put the phrase "Gi2W" and your BYOND key in the title of the email to mark it as your final entry.

As it stands right now I have put forth $20 and we also have $130 worth of prizes donated generously from Writing a New One, Aaiko and W12W. If you would like to be so kind as to donate some money to the prize pool, it would be greatly appreciated! If you would like to donate to the contest prize pool, just get a hold of me either by pager, on Chatters, or ask to add me on Skype/MSN in this thread.

The prize structure as follows is only temporary, and more donations will make for more prizes and places. You must be able to receive the cash through PayPal, as it is both the easiest and fastest method of monetary transfers over the web.
  • First Place: $75 + 3 months BYONDPanel Hosting
  • Second Place: $50
  • Third Place: $25

There are a few restrictions for this contest to prevent cheating:
  • You cannot start any work on your entry until the contest begins.
  • You cannot use any libraries, demos, or frameworks that are published on the site after the date 8/24/12.
  • You are free to use all other libraries, demos, or frameworks that are posted publically on this site for download. If you do decide to use a library, framework, or demo from this site, you must include the name of the creator of the resource along with the resource's name in a text file within the final zip file.
  • To join the contest, you must post a confirmation in the thread saying that you will be participating.
  • If you plan to work with a group of people, each person must post a confirmation in the thread about working on a team with one another.
  • After the themes are revealed, you must choose at least one of the three themes to work around. Choosing more than one theme may earn you more points.
  • If your game does not a follow the theme, you will be disqualified.
  • Any submissions after the deadline will be disqualified.
  • Make sure you only use resources that are either public domain or of your own creation.

Calus CoRPS wrote: Welcome to the Game in 2 Weeks event! I have a feeling that this will produce even better entries given the extra week. Now lets get down to the reason as to why you're reading this, how are the entries going to be judged? EnigmaticGallivanter and I will be judging each entry and providing a score out of 100. A short review of each game will accompany the results. Given the additional week, the Gameplay and Polish categories will be weighted heavier than the other three. Here is the breakdown:
  • Gameplay [30] - The player(s) interaction within the game. Is it entertaining, does it keep one interested for more than 1 minute?
  • Polish [25] - Does your game look complete? Does it look like it was thrown together or planned out carefully?
  • Design [20] - This is the meat of your game. This would include the world, content, level, interface design, and the game in general.
  • Graphics [15] - Is the art in your game attractive? Does it clash? Does it fit the gameplays style?
  • Audio [10] - Do you have audio? Does it fit your game?

To make things a little more interesting, I have decided to add a category in which those who successfully submitted an entry can select their top 3 favorite games. This category is called:
  • Developers Choice [10]

Once the contest ends, the developers will have 2 days to cast their first place, second place, and third place choices. Obviously, one cannot vote for their own game, so don't try! Once the voting has ended, the game with the most first place votes would receive an addition 10 points to their overall score. The second place game would receive 7 points and third would receive 4 points. In the event of a tie occurring, the judges will get together and collectively decide which one of the tied entries deserves the place.
If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to reply back. Thanks and good luck to all!"
-Calus CoRPS, judging manager

Thank you for reading, make sure to post if you would like to enter and check back September 1st for the themes! If you have any questions, leave them below and I will answer them as soon as possible.
Again, all generous donations are immensely appreciated and will only serve to make the outcome of this contest even better. Thank you for your consideration. :)

If only it was a utility contest C:
I won't be able to enter, but it is still awesome! :3
Though it doesn't say whether I have to post a confirmation thread before the contest starts or not, I'll just make this post to say I'll be joining. I don't know if I'll get something made, but I'll give myself the option anyways.
I shall be entering as a contestant once again. I'll be more prepared with a more simple idea this time.

(The 3D buffer was a bit much for one week, but I still liked the results).
My entry shall be... a sequel to The Nexus.

You are not prepared.
I'm not sure if we're suppose to leave a confirmation comment before or after the themes are presented, but I'll be participating either way.
I'll join...
I can judge the games. I like judging stuff and telling people how much of a failure they are.
The contest begins on the first though, so this is just an announcement. (@Yut). Ya been working hard on them cnotest entries man.
any Programmer need a pixel artist partner let me know
I Hope my pc gets out of the shop in time
Sorry for not responding to all of the posts in the thread, I've been out of town.
You don't have to post whether or not you're participating before the themes are posted, but you're welcome to do so!
About the judge panel, we do have a different panel of judges. Unless they themselves want to reveal their identity, they are currently anonymous but are upstanding members of the BYOND community.
I'll be participating.
In response to PixelRat
PixelRat wrote:
any Programmer need a pixel artist partner let me know

YES YES YES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. sure just make me a base it would be amazing
In response to Magnum2k
Hopefully you end up submitting something without running into any BYOND "features". ;)
Not to sure at the moment but I think Albro and I will be participating as a team. :D
In response to GreatFisher
That would be amazing, more returning participants! (:
Zane444 and I will be entering the competition as a team.
Oh damn, that's a team to reckoned with...
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