Well First off.. "HI"!

One Ninja Evolution has been going through major updates ever week. Uchiha's now have completed their First Storyline chapter. More and more chapters will be added as updates go by. Hozuki'/Senju's are half done, the rest hasn't been started, but we will test with Hozuki, Senju, and Uchiha for now.

We need closed tester's for the upcoming Closed Alpha test that will last a week. A few weeks or more after the closed alpha test, will be the official alpha release. In the Alpha release, Hozuki's Senjus and Uchihas will be the only ones playable for a short period of time.
This Alpha release will last 3 weeks, so we can update from time to time, and hold an official Alpha Standard stage.

Closed tester's will be sorta like my staff team..
I need about 3 Closed testers.
Those three will be give moderator status on Alpha release along with my production staff.


Byond Key:
Reason why you want to be a closed tester(Staff):
Do you think your an active person:
What will you be mostly looking for in the closed testings?:
Contact information:


Copy and paste that form, fill it out and post it as a reply on this blog.

Yukay Karyuu
Byond Key: Sliced Death
Reason why you want to be a closed tester(Staff): I Don't Know
Do you think your an active person: Yes I have no school this week
What will you be mostly looking for in the closed testings?: Bugs, Glitches, and much more
Contact information: msn [email protected]
Byond Key:

Reason why you want to be a closed tester(Staff):
New projects always interest me. Curious how different this is from the other 1,000 Naruto games.

Do you think your an active person:

What will you be mostly looking for in the closed testings?:
Any exploits, bugs, or abnormalities in gameplay. Will be making plenty of suggestions as well.

Contact information:
MSN- [email protected]
AIM- Branksyb0y
Yo, i want to talk to you. I tryed adding you on the pager but it won't work for some reason. Anyways i also added you on MSN.
Which one is you on msn?
I already am an active Tester so u know =D
Yukay Karyuu wrote:
Which one is you on msn?

[email protected]
says I already have you added XD
Muahahahahahaha :p
Idk... im just being retarded :p
Byond Key:Lil1pork

Reason why you want to be a closed tester(Staff):
Im on byond all the time and I love new games,espcially naruto my fav anime =P. Also i saw the screen shots they look great.

Do you think your an active person:
Yah I'm always on games I like

What will you be mostly looking for in the closed testings?:To see how far this game has come and familiarize myslef with it. Also to terminate all bugs, glitches, and give suggestions.

Contact information:
[email protected]
lol hope im not too late but.. im just going to apply just incase D:

Byond Key:Roki-Sama
Reason why you want to be a closed tester(Staff):There are so many rips on Byond,but meh some rips are improved so i just want to see a game that is actually unique like this game
Do you think your an active person:Yeah I go on Byond everyday
What will you be mostly looking for in the closed testings?:Well i would try to find bugs and glitches but i mainly give suggestions like what needs to be improved or added :P
Contact information:[email protected]
Well you are indeed late, but Idk if I can squeeze you in.. I'll have to talk to my stafff.
ok thanks :D
Byond Key: AllSmiles
Reason why you want to be a closed tester(Staff): Because Games need people like us to spot out bugs and other unwanted things. I usually look in the small basic stuff as they are easy to fix and you'll see a diffence when they are changed.
Do you think your an active person: Yes. I am on the computer most of the day.
What will you be mostly looking for in the closed testings?: Map glitches, Command glitches. Basically everything all around.
Contact information: [email protected]
Byond Key: BlackLabelStudios

Reason?: Well, first off it's King from NNG. I've found a numerous amount of bugs in the hit Byond game NNG, reported them and exploited them ONLY after the owner Berlin seemed to not care to fix them. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to help the progress of your game as long as you fix the bugs I find for you.

Active? Yes, I'm very active. I'm online as soon as I wake up from work most of the time.

What will I mostly be looking for? Well, it's closed beta for a reason. So you can find any coding bugs, balancing issues, etc. I'm sure you're picking people to do just that, so I aim to "do just that."

You have my MSN.