Okay I just made this NPC suigetsu for the storyline quest's for Hozuki's on O.N.E.

Does this have a similar appeal to Suigetsu?
Any Changes?

learn to thumbnail.
what is with you guys and always placing randomly colored pixels all over the icon. What is going through your heads while doing this?
Pmitch wrote:
what is with you guys and always placing randomly colored pixels all over the icon. What is going through your heads while doing this?

Looks like an attempt to shade, using a light source, without a light source.
This looks like a four year old....Never mind just too much to comment on.
Idk.. I fail at Pixeling just an attempt..
Fucking fail =O the f***** hair are r***** from N** i can do better than that =O
Well suck my nuts anyway.
No Thank you :p