(See the best response by A.T.H.K.)
Give_A_Jutsu(mob/M in world,Jutsu as text)
set category = "Staff"
var/T = text2path("obj/SkillCards/[Jutsu]")
var/obj/SkillCards/A = new T
for(var/obj/SkillCards/S in M.SkillCards/)

Problem description:
still making the give jutsu verb but keep getting missing expression and idk what to do i guess what im saying is like if im trying to give a player something out of like mob or something into a tab like jutsu idk how to do it n keep getting that error.
Perhaps it's the forward dash (/) after "M.SkillCards" in the for() statement?
Give_A_Jutsu(mob/M in world,Jutsu as text)
set category = "Staff"
var/T = text2path("obj/SkillCards/[Jutsu]")
var/obj/SkillCards/A = new T
for(var/obj/SkillCards/S in M.SkillCards)

now new issue it says 3 errors first one it saysM.Skillcards undefined var second it says (The revised syntax for new (Type,...) is new Type(...).) and for the third one it says the same thing about the other new var i got. and also im trying to give someone out of the obj im tryint to give them something into there jutsu tab so yea justu side note
Best response
Perhaps you should read the Guide and Reference

It seems like you didn't write that piece of code since you have no idea what it is doing ...
Yea but I confused nyself