Want to help out with the game while you wait for a beta test?
See for updates:
![]() Dec 24 2009, 10:00 pm
![]() Dec 28 2010, 5:34 am
Can I help map or code? I hope you got my email.....
Well you will see if you catch one of my beta tests, but i'll give you a few of the features and systems that we have built on and changed from Omega Mall already. There are still many improvements to be seen.
-Make your own franchise: Basically you make your own franchise with your own icons and everything, and the franchise will actually be added (with approval of course) into a global franchise list, which from the beginning will already have 20 in-game franchises in it, from which all players on the server can select from. These franchises will all be ranked based on a few variables on which the player can influence, so people will be competing to make their franchise the best. And i'm only touching on this system right now, because its not completely done. -Saving system: This game will go A LOT slower than OmegaMall, as in money will come in slower, but there will still be much to do while you wait. So what this basically means is now we can have a saving system. No more spending hours making a nice store only to log out and have it all be gone. - All existing systems in OmegaMall have been touched on and improved really, i've improved the interface,loan system, building, security system. And along with all these improvements comes along many new features such as Advertising, Upgrading Security, Business Organizations, Expanding Store, Store Signs, Tile customization (like coloring floors and walls) and many more new features. Just stick around and wait for a beta test to come around. It's going to be great fun. |
Arcticblast wrote:
-Saving system: This game will go A LOT slower than OmegaMall, as in money will come in slower, but there will still be much to do while you wait. So what this basically means is now we can have a saving system. No more spending hours making a nice store only to log out and have it all be gone. That is what I've been wanting, any idea on the next beta test? |
The make your own franchise system as i mentioned requires me to go back and redo basic underlying elements important to the game such as building and the actual sale of stock. So, basically once i get that done it should be playable again, and i could do a beta test. Hopefully i should be done by the end of the week.
I'm pretty excited about this game. I loved Omega Mall back in the day. I wish there was some way I could help but I'm not a sprite artist (Well, not a very good one.) nor a coder. Oh well, I'll just be the cheerleader then I guess.
From what i saw it's awesome! Omega mall was 1 of the first games i played on byond, this looks better, i'll be waiting!
Never knew about this. Looks really good. If you need help with any problems you might be having I can help you.