Welp, yesterday I bought my X360 with FF13, and its ocming out awasome! Yay! FF13 is a great game you guys should try it, it has beastly graphics, cool and weird bosses ;p and something that will bugg you untill you get used to it... the turn based battle system... Haha! Well, I hope this post made any sense :p
![]() Apr 12 2010, 1:56 pm
Good graphics != Good game
Vermolius wrote:
Good graphics != Good game This. I loved the past 2 Final Fantasies (by that I mean XII and X not that MMO garbage) and this one was pretty lame. I made it up to fighting Sazh's Eidolon and gave up cause it continuously raped my face with a ton of enthusiasm, dancing around the screen and what not. Severe Disappointment! |
It was fun while it lasted. I wish it wouldve been longer and more open, and the ending sucked for me, but i really really enjoyed gran pulse, and the battle system.
Wouldve been nice if there was a larger variety of enemies to fight aswell. This game had to have the least for a final fantasy game. Most of them were re skins of the same creatures. |
Cody123100 wrote:
Vermolius wrote: I liked the past two as well, but it still doesn't even compare to the oldies. They focus too much on how it looks these days, the game seems like a freaken movie from all the trailers and such. The most lame part of Final Fantasy 13 out of everything I've seen by far has to be that stupid theme song of the game. Songs with lyrics should not be in RPGs, it's just lame 99% of the time (Though I thought FFX did a decent job on it. I actually liked the song in the credits and the spring. The chanting in the game was a good touch too, though not really a song with lyrics). It's a stupid song too, way too main-stream sounding for an RPG like Final Fantasy. |
Looks like we all have diffrent opinoins on it, dont get me wrong, this is the first FF game i ever played, thats why its so epic for me, anywayz since you guys are saying FF10 and FF12 is so good ima try them =D but before that.... i need to get a good fps game... i need to shoot something badly! Any recomendations? Thz
For a true Final Fantasy experience, I recommend the classics. Try FF4 or 6, or try the originals for the NES. FF3 on the NES is truly one of my overall favorites.