Kk so i started this couze i wanna hear your opinions on this, personally i think its the Sage of Six Paths or Madaras body.
It's the Sage Of Six Paths..
People say its Izuna but it's impossible because 1. Izuna is eyeless/blind how would he fight blind. They said they'd use one of danzou's eye's but Danzou completely destroyed his entire body/eye's so madara wouldn't be able to use them.. And Madara wouldnt be so stupid to give sasuke's eye's to izuna.. I'm sure it's the SoS because he surely was stunned..
Its SoSp Dunny :p Yeah I agrre, but lets hear more suggestions
I think its Madara's real body.
Also, you do know there is an anime guild specifically for discussions like this right? Why not just create a topic there?
Madara already has his body wtf you talkin bout?
Yukay Karyuu wrote:
Madara already has his body wtf you talkin bout?

I dont think so. Weve already seen what madara should look like, and yet his face is still hidden. The bodies ressurected by edo tensei have thier eyes closed until they walk out, so there wouldnt be a rinnegan visible to madara, and lastly, how would madara even know what the sage of 6 paths looks like? Its got to be something that madara would fear, or not be powerful enough to deal with, which i would think is his original body, that, or the one we think is madara is just a really powerful impersonator who knew him well, and that is the REAL madara

Id think it could be that the one we think is madara, is actually his brother. It could be anyone, but i definitely dont think its the rikudou sage. If it was, then there wouldnt be any reason for kabuto needing sasuke.
Indeed true, but Izuna was long gone dead,
unless "Madara" is making up a lie saying Izuna died, instead Madara died himself, and Izuna took his state.. But it's impossible cause Izuna was destroyed, and eye's gauged out.

MAdara showed half of his face, which showed him aging, with wrinkles.. it can't be his real body in that casket.
Considering Madara has a huge collection of eyes, i dont see it being impossible for his brother to have a couple.
Madara's wife or girlfriend
He doesn't have a large collection of eye's.. .not anymore.... Danzou fucked himself over.. Danzou had "ALL OF THE DEAD UCHIHAS Eyes..." who had obtained sharingan..
Yukay Karyuu wrote:
He doesn't have a large collection of eye's.. .not anymore.... Danzou fucked himself over.. Danzou had "ALL OF THE DEAD UCHIHAS Eyes..." who had obtained sharingan..

What are you talking about? Do you not pay attention to the manga? Danzou only had a few eyes including Shisui's. "Madara" has been stockpiling tons of Uchiha eyes for awhile now. Take a look here: .

All those little box containers behind Sasuke are Sharingan eyes that "Madara" has been stockpiling.

My first thought was his brother.
I believe it's Shisui.
The way madara reacted when he found out Danzou had shisui's eye made me feel like his eyes are perhaps even more powerfull than what we have been told.... But who knows.
People thought it was Izuna.. but it can be izuan it's now possible.. because Madara "HIGHLY!" respected his brother and would never want to battle him to death.. this is why he backed down. And now I thought that.

Itachi was revived and he's eyeless/blindless aswell... So it's possible for izuna.
I think, That its ASUMA! =D, no im kidding but anyways, I think its Izuna... since wtf is with madaras body? what use would that be? Edo tensei only works when the dude is dead, plus just look at the reaction here and here, on the first one he sounds like his going to start crying or something, so its more of izuna now o.o but then again on the second pic he says 'You bastard... Where did you get "That"' he said 'That' so it looks like its a thing not a person so it brings us back to the madaras true body bit.... but damn.... the reason i hate Kisi is couze he always puts so many misteries into the manga xD like then when Itachi appeared in the Sasuke vs Danzo fight, me and Yukay Karyuu were like 'WTF IM HYPED, I BET ITS A BIT OF ITACHIS POWERS MATERIALISED INTO A REAL BODY' and in the end it came out as a simple genjutsu :p, have fun figuring it out! 1 More thing, why hasnt no one considered Kabuto reviving Hashirama? Hashirama is the one the wooped Madaras ass twice... so madara knows its one powerfull dude, but revivng Hashirama makes no sence with Madaras reaction :p So yea... Have fun figuring it out!
and Hashirama was already revived by Orochimaru. I doubt you can revive someone twince.
Hashirama's body was pwned by the 3rd.. And Also.... It has to be either Izuna.. or the Sosp.. or the 4th.. LOL ( Even tho the 4th isnt much of a threat to Madara
Pandora'sSecret wrote:
I believe it's Shisui.
The way madara reacted when he found out Danzou had shisui's eye made me feel like his eyes are perhaps even more powerfull than what we have been told.... But who knows.

Shisui isn't really much of a threat to madara if he can be killed by old-itachi. It's probably Pain, the sage of the six paths, or madara's body (if you believe tobi is not madara)
Tobi has to be madara.. because he even showed his face to kisame and te others.. and they recognized him
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