A small, tiny, fifteen minute competition (note: not the duration of the competition) to win yourself a BYOND Membership.
In light of recent news about a potential Live Action Bleach Movie. I attempted to (very lazily) match people with characters.
I didn't get very far, as you can see. But this is where you can step up.
The rules are simple, one submission per person. If you submit more than one entry, the later entry will be the one judged. Your job is to go out and find images of the main cast of Bleach (Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, "Chad" and Uryū) and then match the character with an actor.
I can't give bonus points for adding any extra Bleach characters, as that would be unfair to everyone. But you're welcome to do so anyway, if only for my amusement.
There are two ways to win: Play it real, with actors you genuinely want to see play those roles and think would fit it best, or, you can take the comedy rout and put actors you think would be the most hilarious fitting. If you take the comedy rout, remember, you're out to make me laugh.
The format is simple: Align the character image with the actor image. Also, try and use screenshots from the actual anime show itself, rather than using drawn fan-art from people. They're not hard to find. (Here's Ichigo)
Email (yes, the long lost art of electronic mail) all submissions to tiberath@tibbius.com and be sure to put "BYOND Anime Competition" in the title. Feel free to add the actors names in with your submission, make it easier for me to judge (based on previous films etc).
You're free to send people you'd like to donate your winning membership too (on the chance you win) along with your submission, if you have no interest in obtaining a membership.
And for the love of The Force, do not use .BMP formats! I don't have the time to download 10mb files! Please stick to PNG or JPG image formats!
Contest concludes Tuesday the 13th and winners announced Wednesday the 14th.
Sorry for not giving out an actual cash prize, but the effort involved in this particular competition isn't worthy of anything substantive from my wallet.
Well, off you go.
![]() Apr 8 2010, 6:52 pm
Im well on my way to thinking out a bit of stuff. I'll be sure to include supporting cast, I don't plan on winning anyways.
Incomplete entries have a far less chance of success. The least incomplete entry would be the winner if there were no complete ones.
Ouch! I was revising that paragraph and removed it, I guess I got distracted before reading it and moved onto the next one! My bad!
Contest concludes Tuesday the 13th and winners announced Wednesday the 14th. |
Ichigo - 1969 David Bowie
Rukia - This chick...mmm Orihime - The boob physics from Dead or Alive Chad - RIDDICK with hair Uryu - Any straight edge emo kid plucked off the street |
SuperAntx wrote:
Ichigo - 1969 David Bowie Good luck making that happen. ;) Rukia - This chick...mmm That's a pretty good likeness. >.> Orihime - The boob physics from Dead or Alive rofl. I think I should have better stipulated the concept of "Actor". I can't accept this one. Nice try though. >.> Chad - RIDDICK with hair lol. Uryu - Any straight edge emo kid plucked off the street Oh god no. Nice likeness, but god no. |
Jessica alba Orihime. -- Is it first come first serve as far as actors? |
You can use actors others have chosen if you desire. You wont lose points or anything.
Okay, I posted before (Deleted first post) when I was rushing. Now that I watched the new Spartacus, I figured I would finish it.
http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/Krim813/ BleachCast2.png That's what I got, hope ya like it :P. Sorry for the crappy link, I don't know how to do all that tagging good >.>. |
JOHNNEY DEPP AS ZARAKI!!!!!! LMAO xD!!!!!.......Come on ...He could do the role perfectly :/...
Mistick wrote:
So, you get any picture, and try to relate it to a Bleach character? The idea is, you take the picture of an actor you think would suit the role, or you think would be so terrible at the role that it's funny. But you can't mix and match, you have to go for serious or humorous. This is in conjunction with the possibility that Warrner Bros. will be releasing a Bleach live action movie sometime in the future, as they're currently trying to acquire the rights to do so. Email your submission to the provided email address and you can win a BYOND Membership. |
Tiberath wrote:
SuperAntx wrote: Oddly enough David Bowie is acting now and if he still looked like he did 40 years ago, would make a great Ichigo ;) |
Seanleonartes wrote:
JOHNNEY DEPP AS ZARAKI!!!!!! LMAO xD!!!!!.......Come on ...He could do the role perfectly :/... I think Johnny Depp would be amazing as Zaraki! He can do any role! |
Rupert Grint playing Ichigo Kurosaki
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Grint.weaseley.OotP1.jpg Adrian Grenier playing Sado Yasotora http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2007/specials/sma07/hair/ adrian_grenier.jpg Johnny Depp could play Zaraki Kenpachi like this without the scissors! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fxiw4Y1Wwsk/Sv1fyBfKI4I/ AAAAAAAAAwQ/1dOe2vP2HwU/s400/edward+scissorhand.jpg |