Keywords: bieber, etc, justin, kid, omg, pop, puberty, ugh, wtf, yuck

Poll: Do you like Justin Bieber?

Yes 0% (0)
No 100% (23)

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To get it out of the way, I will go ahead and say that I voted no. Having made my way to twitter, I've learned just how ridiculously obsessed people are with this kid (and even who he is unfortunately); he's been a top trending topic there almost every single day for example...I can't quite possibly fathom how you would have something to say about a single person every single day for 2+ months but apparently the fans have found a way and continue to do so... With that said, I thought I would see what side the byonders are on...You guys are my favorite community after all. :D

[EDIT] : In case you have the pleasure of not knowing who this prepubescent teen is that has all the tween girl population in a tizzy, click here at your own risk..

Also it's not that the guy is that bad of a singer (he's not all that great either), it's just that his fans (the Beliebers) are as bad if not worse than the Twilight series fans...0_0 Take this comment from the video linked above as proof: "Justin is so cute and it is the best music video ever of life." My response: No...Just no...
Hell no.
LOL Lige you're too much XD

I refuse to do a Google search, and instead demand that you take time out of your day to enlighten me.
Dear god no.
DarkCampainger wrote:

I refuse to do a Google search, and instead demand that you take time out of your day to enlighten me.

Post edited.
no thanks.
Took a solid two seconds to see he's incredibly bad in every way.
Trick question?
Its gonna be sad when he actually does hit puberty and his label drops him like a rock.
Wow, no yes's? Guess there aren't any beliebers on byond..
Why would there be Exactly..He's just a horrible singer. -_-
It's all the Fans fault. >:)
He's horrible, simply put. Anyone who even considers Justin Bieber as a good music artist is a dumbfuck and doesn't know what good music is or even know that good music exists.