You still have plenty of time.
Wow, we lost tons of comments.
Well done.
Thanks. but i know it won't last for a while if people going to keep deleting their comments.
Unfortunately, i deleted all my spam posts, i'm just trying to get to 712.
Maybe we could try and get 729?
I might just help to keep the comments going.
Well, I am. Anyone who wants to get there... should post lol
aint that right lol
Ok... I'll just do some spam comments.
Don't even bother
XD, Yeh i want to get to 729 as much as you do.
Why not Ranch?
Well, lets comment ppl lol, already like another 7 in a minute or twos time
He thinks he won't actually do it GMD
Gamemakingdude wrote:
Why not Ranch?

People are deleting their comments now, there's no way you're going to make it to 729.
XD. Oi Ranch, look at the recent comments, there's another membership contest that closed recently, maybe you should have a look at that one.
Well, i think they might have stopped now.
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