Naruto Ninja Moo Moo (Old Hub)

by Ashley_Laww
Naruto Ninja Moo Moo (Old Hub)
Offically the new awesomest most naruto game in byond History! Must play!!
Keywords: appeal, ban, unban
I would like to apply to be unbanned because I've been banned for ages over a argument while the game was bugged. I understand banning the trolls and spammers and such but why ban the people who actually like the game :< hopefully you will read this.
Um i was banned saying NEM Was better? i dont even know what NEM is you must have me confused with some one else and How did i multikey i have only one account maybe some one with the same name as me like foster z kid or fosters z kid i dont know but i loved this game So can i please get unbanned :(
It's been a year, since I was banned. I was wondering if it would be possible to get unbanned. I actually liked this game and I would like to play it again.
Me Too Uchiha I Liked It Too And I Was Banned For Like A Year Now
I was banned over a year for i know what i did was wrong "now" then i was new to byond this was one of the first games i ever played and it was freakign awsome i never seen anythign like it over this year and im still banned please give me another chance
how come im banned im new????
i know this is werid who is this fucking system contorller cuz i did nothing no one argured with me and i havnt spoken to a admion atall i didnt multikey so what and why? unbann me if these are not the probalems since these are the rule of ban i jua=st wanna play thts why im silent SO unban me
Ill say this again, You were posing as Monic and then introduced a rip saying it was better then MooMoo.