Keywords: 360, xbox
Yeah... Soon im going to get an Super Elite X360 with FF13... Have any of you got it, and if its crap have you got any suggestions for me? Like what wlse i should get... Yeah =P
Now there's super elites? Xbox's are too overrated, you should just get a Ps3. We have some pretty good games Xbox doesn't, good free live, blue ray, and alot more. Don't buy into that stupid 360 crap.
Lies! PS3's are for boffinz! Boffiz = uncool aslong as its a dude o.o boffin girls are pretty hot! anywaiz! I was thinking of either buying a X360 super elite with a FF13 or a PS3 Assasins creed 2 fixed pack... Tell me what i should get... i think i should start a poll... How do you start a poll again? XD
Gokou-Kun wrote:
Lies! PS3's are for boffinz! Boffiz = uncool aslong as its a dude o.o boffing gitls are pretty hot! anywaiz! I was thinking of either buying a X360 super elite with a FF13 or a PS3 Assasins creed 2 fixed pack... Tell me what i should get... i think i should start a poll... How do you start a poll again? XD

PS3 has a much better community than the Xbox, you won't find many of those bratty kids when playing an online game. Buy what you want.
If your friends have Xbox's, and you have money for live, I'd say get it and play it with them.
I say... You get X360 so we can play togather =P
Gokou-Kun wrote:
How do you start a poll again? XD

When creating a post, make the post into a Poll rather than a Review/Blog or whatever it is. You can probably just Edit your main post and turn it into a Poll from there.
Oh thanks =D and Fine! Be they way Jolly! T_T
Oops, it appears you cannot Edit a post into a Poll. You'll need to create a new Blog Post and check the Poll option.
Yeah, tried editing it, but didnt work. Thx anyway =D Now time to make a new poll!
You should buy whatever YOU want.
Just Vote plox :p
There is no "better" console, think about what console has the games you want the most, and if you would like to have a blue-ray player, free internet, the ability to use MSN on your console, etc.
Well, X360 has blue-ray player, the ability to use MSN and the games... And it lookes cooler! xD idk, ill think about it :p
Fine, I vote that you should buy a Wii instead, for your own physical health. Fat boy needs to lose some weight!
Gokou-Kun wrote:
Well, X360 has blue-ray player, the ability to use MSN and the games... And it lookes cooler! xD idk, ill think about it :p

Get the Xbox, besides it's even cheaper, and you can buy a one year live account for like $50..
Im not fat o.o
Gokou-Kun wrote:
Im not fat o.o

Big boned, whatever.
Not big boned o.o, im just normal o.o
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