Keywords: design
After being up so late last night with accidentally imbibed caffeine (who would have expected a "Cranergy" cranberry/green tea fusion to be packing that much), I had resigned myself to a miserable Easter Sunday.

However, the developer bug had bitten deep, much of my fitful night being the consequence of a mind racing with ideas for an exciting new project. Thus, zombie like, I shambled out of bed this morning and over to my computer. There, I begun to mash keys indiscriminately, occasionally muttering to myself over mistakes whose obvious sleep deprived source was making this seem a futile endeavor...

... and yet, all things considered, I achieved a pretty good amount for a Sunday.

A display of a randomly generated world map (490x490 in size in this shot). The map turfs are generated via icon.GetPixel and icon.DrawBox calls. The tiles are interactive.

Originally, I was arraying this on a grid control. Thanks to the comments here, I was informed of a better way: array them on a separate map control. Same overall functionality, but without the gaps in between.

I haven't actually achieved my goal of allowing the player to place some colonists and putting them through some rudimentary commands, that would be the core of the game, but I did the next best thing: I gave them a very nice environment to act.
  • The Radar above.
  • The login mechanism has been heavily tweaked to properly handle player flow, directing them to a handy status screen as the world generates itself, then immediately taking them into the game when it's done.
  • I tweaked my world generation routine and completely revamped the turf code. Now we've got impassible mountains (which likely will be mined out like early Dwarf Fortress) and fertile plains naturally grow near rivers. Irrigation methods are planned.

I have a goal: I need to make this game playable in a week. Not necessarily release-worthy, but playble. The challenge now is not getting bogged down in the wrong parts of the game, or before you know it I'll be captivated by a digital ant farm so long that I lose my mojo again.

Speaking of getting bogged down, this world generation routine is nice, but it takes a good 6 minutes to run those rivers. (I used my pathing algorithm to create that more natural curve you see there - rivers like to avoid mountains.)

Because of this, and I've lots of testing to do in the future, I think the next likely thing that's going to go into the game is a means to save and load the map. I expect that to be relatively simple since the world map is already being stored in a LummoxJr Swapmap object.
Any reason you can't use a secondary map control for this instead of a grid?
Any reason you can't use a secondary map control for this instead of a grid?
Just inexperience, and that's rectified easily enough.

There are a couple advantages to my current approach in that the grid of objects allow me to superimpose player-specific objects (such as a "you are here" square) and click the grid object to quickly zoom where they need to go.

However, if a secondary map object accepts clicks, and there's some way to superimpose data over it, it's could very well be a better method. I should hunt down some BYOND resources on that.
No problem.
Geldonyetich wrote:
Any reason you can't use a secondary map control for this instead of a grid?
Just inexperience, and that's rectified easily enough.

There are a couple advantages to my current approach in that the grid of objects allow me to superimpose player-specific objects (such as a "you are here" square) and click the grid object to quickly zoom where they need to go.

However, if a secondary map object accepts clicks, and there's some way to superimpose data over it, it's could very well be a better method. I should hunt down some BYOND resources on that.

Secondary maps act as normal maps, except they only display screen objects. So yeah, all that's possible.
Jeff8500 wrote:
Secondary maps act as normal maps, except they only display screen objects. So yeah, all that's possible.

That'd actually be a pretty good shortcut for me. Rather than having to define my own objects for the map, just use screen objects, and if they behave exactly like normal maps as you say then I'll still get my click functionality in.

Seems like they both beat me to the punch, but yeah, that's what I was gonna say too.
Still would be nice if the grid could be made seamless, though. I could, for example, divide up a picture and make it into a fancy control.
Geldonyetich wrote:
Still would be nice if the grid could be made seamless, though. I could, for example, divide up a picture and make it into a fancy control.

Logically, there really isn't that much difference between the grid control and the map. Really, one is a grid of text or images, and the other is a grid of text or images..

The biggest issue is that BYOND controls are really ugly and most of the functionality that would be great to have is nonexistent.

I suppose every platform has its limitations.

Anywho, tweaking it to work with a map object was a lot easier than I thought it'd be. Only needed to change, like, 7 lines of code - I even had a routine set up for efficient removal of outdated screen objects.

The upgraded screenshot will be along shortly.
Comment again when it is.
I've got one up now without the seams between the tiles, but I bet I could do an even better one if I throw in some graphical enhancements.

Like dividing lines to make it clear where the sector divisions are, a brightened area reflecting where the player's view() currently is, and graphical indicators of where settlements are. Various informational overlays that are togglable via buttons and whatnot.
Looks a hell of a lot better.
Vermolius wrote:
Looks a hell of a lot better.

I second this.
Vermolius wrote:
Looks a hell of a lot better.

Can't wait to play this :)
Looks pretty good.

I'm not entirely sure if you want to be investing in SwapMaps for this.
The reason is that the SwapMap format isn't particularly efficient as far as disk space usage goes.

A better idea would be to invest in a format similar to DMMs.
Very nice, I'm liking it..

But I'm jellous so then again, I don't like it >=/!
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