I would volunteer myself to be interviewed... due to the fact i am pretty much an underground favorite (based on how people see me)
besides... Byonder for almost 8 years...
In response to Ss4gogeta0
In response to Magnum2k
Not even the interviewers? I was really looking forward to the back and forth with the fake mustache.
In response to Magnum2k
Magnum2k wrote:
None of you here are getting interviewed. Fine, I'll just interview myself then. TRY AND STOP ME! |
So here is the list of people in demand (that I assume were not troll posts).
Confirmed For List
Laserdog doesn't have time for your petty interviews. He's taking his comics to the next level and is now working full-time for Shonen Jump making a new manga series. Deal with it.
I would personally like to see Wild Blood be interviewed. He's made so many good games and I'd honestly just like to know more about him.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
There is always a need for boxes. Always. Shut up. Don't blow my cover up away! |
Falcon lazorz wrote:
Ss4gogeta0 wrote: well I am a Pretentious Prick, if you will... besides... not like I dont have the time... I dont work or anything... |
In response to Ss4gogeta0
Still not interested in you. :O
In response to Super Saiyan X
Super Saiyan X wrote:
You're more interested in me. True statement. Still not very interested in you though. :O I'm on fire. |
Here is someone I guarantee you're interested in: WHO WAS PHONE???
So uhm ... are we still genuinely discussing this journalism thing now, or has all hope been abandoned already?
Or this Hansom Man