DBO team: We quit. We mean it this time. It's not April fools.
Others: Oh, I see. Well, sorry to see you go.
DBO team: Hah! You douches totally fell for that.
Others: Hey, no takebacks.
Geldonyetich wrote:
DBO team: We quit. We mean it this time. It's not April fools. I actually thought it was really obvious in the post that it was april fools, whether i put "4 srs" or not. But of course for those who may have thought otherwise, i posted the today that it was indeed false. |
Ranch Jolly wrote:
Death Any wrote: No thank you |
Rod5 wrote:
i bet this was just a bluff, to get ppl to notice the game 1. People already know about this game, and have known for quite some time. 2. Obvious April Fools is Obvious. 3. Why thank you. |
hey pmitch is it true for soem reason ppl dont liek you, im not saying the gansgta of byond hates you (me) i got nothing agsint you ,rawr
Rod5 wrote:
hey pmitch is it true for soem reason ppl dont liek you, im not saying the gansgta of byond hates you (me) i got nothing agsint you ,rawr Some dislike me, some like me, the same can be said for anyone. I couldnt care less if someone dislikes me either. |
your hardcore bro :o, anyways i got a Q for you. when i make a post on my page , why doesnt it come on the list of other blogs made?
Its appalling that people who evidently hate the game would spend so much of their time on it.