Digimon: Digital World Story

by Death818728
Digimon: Digital World Story
Official Digital World Story Continued

Progress: Open Beta Testing.

Productions Staff:

That one Person - Programmer/Hub Designer
Vanner - Owner/Story Developer/Programmer

Creative Commons License
Digimon: Digital World Story by That one Production Company is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Hrm...any idea if this'll be up soon?
Soon, I hope :)
when this game well be up again ?
Hopefully I won't get stuck in my Megadramon D-Soul.
So when will this be back up
Can't wait for this to come back.

Servers coming back up shortly!
Sorry about all the delays. College has been kicking me pretty hard lately. But I'm done for the semester after tomorrow, so I'll be able to get back to work after that. Expect more updates soon.
will a server be coming up for the game soon?
So I've been out of college for almost a month now. Been working on the game a little, but I've had a lot to do lately. My father's birthday, graduation parties to attend for family members, having my wisdom teeth removed. General day to day harassments and such. However, I do plan to get the game finished and have the server up and running BY THE END OF THE MONTH! (all caps for emphasis that I WILL do this.)
Can't wait for this game to be back up and to see what was added in the update.
how much longer for this?
No idea but I wish that they left a server up while working on the update that way we could still play while waiting for the update.
UlForceV what is going on with the game?
Will this ever come back?
sleeeeepy other words ma get it back!!!!
Digimon: Digital World Story (DWS) hasbeen brought online. Ever played the old DWS? Ever missed it? Revive good ol' times! byond://
;-; i want 2 play this game agaaain ;-;
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