Been working on side project some more, which I may as well call main project for now.
Since it is a small game and stupidly easy to make.

The game is... A chatroom, with a RPG battle system tacked on.
Literally. That is all the game is. You join a chatroom, organize a team (of upto 6 weapons), then duke it out in a turn based RPG battle system.
There is no quests or storyline, no adventuring or exploring, no leveling up or grinding, no anything other than fighting other players.

I have finished the shop to buy new weapons.

The large part is a list of weapons to buy.
The small top part is a search feature. Click on the element and the shop will only list weapons of that element.
The bottom part is where you can sell stuff you do not want anymore.

Even though there is a shop with points, it wont mean any grinding.
You will start with 1000 points, 100 for a win, 50 for a loss (0 if you disconnect or forfeit a fight). Weapons will cost 50-200 points. You can use 6 at max.
You should always have enough to make whatever team you want as soon as you login. The extra points will just let you unlock even more weapons and make new, different teams.

The battle system is also finished.

That is what it will look like, it is me fighting myself.
Top part is just a graphical part to view.
Underneath is a box which just outputs stuff like "so and so used this attack" and will just alert you of what is happening (but is cleared at the end of every turn for now).
The bottom part is where you select commands.

The system was surprisingly easy to make.
It took me the best part of a day to do. But is also highly flexible, customizable, and easy to use and add new stuff to.
Liberal use of datoms is what made it so easy.
It includes everything a standard RPG battle system would and also allows for spectators to watch.

The only thing it lacks at the moment is animations for abilities, and abilities.
Both are handled by systems in the game, and both are stupidly easy to add (excluding drawing stuff).

If I wanted, I could release the game tomorrow.
It would be lacking some content (not many weapons or abilities to chose from, attack animations would be missing still) but would otherwise be entirely playable.

Depending on how well received the game is, I may build it into either a fully featured RPG, or just release the source code (because even I am impressed by how simple yet functional and flexible the battle system actually is)

EDIT: Forgot to post this image.
A current list of all elemental types in the game. Reading it across, if there is a green tick it deals double damage to that element, it is a red x it deals half damage to that element, and it is is a yellow O it deals no damage to that element.
Every element deals half damage to it's own kind, with the exception of ghost, which is double damage.
Fire deals double damage to ice and nature, but only half damage to water and technology.
Really interesting concept. For some reason this reminds me of 1 on 1 adventure game books (perhaps crossed with MyBrute). Looking forward to seeing it.
I'm excited for this.
Inspirations from Pokemon?
Looks great. I'll be sure to try it out.
You like working on many projects at once, huh? I'm surprised it doesn't tire you out.

At any rate, this game looks interesting so far.
Vermolius wrote:
Inspirations from Pokemon?

More of by the competitive scene than the actual Pokemon games themselves.

Aces4 wrote:
You like working on many projects at once, huh? I'm surprised it doesn't tire you out.

It is the opposite way around for me.
I have a very short attention span. If I don't have multiple projects going at once, I quickly get bored of the one I am working on. impossiblelargeweapons.png

Screenshot of how battle looks like now.
Impossibly large weapons will be standard.
Also have some animations for attacks finished.