First off, thanks to everyone who took part in the Ramadan-long round. I know it was longer than normal but it gave me a chance to take a break from development and focus on other things.
For the results of this 150,000 turn round, go here:
I did however manage to do a little work on it, so this round's update includes some bug fixes and improvements to the previous version updates. This round will go on till Sunday 2nd of September (thats 2 weeks, 2 days).
For those that are interested, I'm leaving the update list at the bottom, but now for the interesting news:
Wargames has nearly had 2 or 3 rebrandings, but never happened because the main issues that prevented the current one from progressing managed to be avoided or fixed. However, now is the time for Wargames to go into a cocoon and come out a butterfly. Wargames will go through a set of changes in order to keep it fresh and also improve in areas that have long needed it. This is a list of things I hope to do:
* Better and bigger icons
* More customisation to interface
* Remove and replace Eras
* Upgradeable Units with more stats
* Graphical, animated combat
In more detail:
I'm finally getting rid of both the default 32x32 pixel sized boxes, as well as the default BYOND palette. Wargames is a game of conflict and pain, not bright green fields and colourful buildings. The game will feature a new, darker palette fitting the mood of the game, as well as bigger icons for more detail.
Support for 800x600 resolutions, this resolution seems to be more common on BYOND than global data would suggest, the need for a large resolution in Wargames in the past has prevented people with this resolution from playing. For those with larger, even HD resolutions however, will be able to expand the map element across to benefit from their wider screens.
Eras has been a staple of the game from the near beginning; Starting from a WW1 period going to modern day, and eventually expanding both to earlier times, future and recently a Bronze age start. This will be totally scrapped, and research will no longer be dictating level of development, cashflow or opening technology. Instead a 'Year' based system, which gradually goes up for everyone and promoted through the player to be faster will mean things unlocking down to their historical year of discovery instead of wide periods of time for a more balanced development throughout a game.
Units will see a major change, to date more units get added with time, and many will be never used, if at all. With this new system, units will upgrade with research and be immediately replaced, saving time from disbanding units just to build the next stage up, and making sure many more units will be used instead of forgotten. Units will also expand beyond the current Att/Def/Type values and expand into other areas, such as speed values to be accounted for in combat.
Combat itself has since the start been a pure database of numbers, while this is unlikely to change drastically, a graphical representation will show you in better detail the conflict and what is going on and how your tactics and choice of units is handling.
I doubt all of these features will be done in the 2 weeks of this current round, but I hope to have something to show soon after. This will be a big step up for Wargames and hopefully a continuation for a good time to come.
Finally, for those that want the updated features for this current round, here you go:
* Fix: Fuel and Material were not appearing till WW2 era, fixed.
* Fix: A bug caused a fully researched Agriculture to prevent Space Technology researching, fixed.
* Fix: Fixed a bug which meant space research could go over 9.
* Fix: Forgot when moving hud interface to move nuke/bomb/rocket icons.
* Fix: It is often possible for negative buildings to occur, the game now ensures it'll never be negative.
* Fix: 'Nuking off the map' was an issue for some people too close to an edge of the map, being jumped to another country, fixed.
* Fix: Fixed a graphic bug when attacking with air or sea related combat.
* Fix: Extremely minor, some units displayed in MoW too early.
* Change: Improved Defence minister graphic.
* Change: New Start (rebooting country) requires less than 9 land, instead of 10.
* Change: Healthcare leaderboard now requires 1million + citizens to be included.
* Change: Made improvements to the new Religion Report.
* Change: Some slight changes to terrain and sea make it look nicer.
* New: Added new destinations to pass by in space, 11 extra for a total of 27.
* New: Ministry of Space Exploration now has a second page which displays your destinations passed with the Space Rocket.
* New: Passing objects in Space now reports in Country Report so you know what turns and distances your Rocket has been.
![]() Aug 17 2012, 2:19 pm
Just an actual update on progress, I've migrated the game to bigger icons, done some (but by far not all graphics) icons, and removed the eras and replaced with the year system.
There is still a lot to go, including stripping out the battle system and replacing it with a far more juicy one. |
Acebloke wrote:
Just an actual update on progress, I've migrated the game to bigger icons, done some (but by far not all graphics) icons, and removed the eras and replaced with the year system. That last bit sounds really interesting :P |
Wargames2 is already a 4X styled strategy game I honestly think that WG1 has reached a point where it needs something fresh for it to warrant being updated, the base game is still there, just some major parts of the game getting a rethink. |