This suggestion ties together with "Enable controls on the skin to execute functions in a browser's script."
Browsers already provide a means of processing data on the client. Javascript executes quite effeciently, and has proven itself to be a solid scripting language in software such as Node.js. Why not allow scripts to control the skin?
I propose that the browser be given a means to both read the state of controls on the skin, and manipulate them. A script could potentially be used to animate controls on the skin, smoothly resizing or repositioning them. They could be used to modify the text of an input control. Why send a long series of winset() commands to populate a grid when you could send a single output() instructing a script to populate it rapidly?
Even greater benefit comes when coupled with the suggestion linked above. See that sugestion for more detail.
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Aug 16 2012, 8:17 pm
I definitely support this.
In response to Tubutas
You're missing the point. The idea is to allow the browser to directly communicate with the interface, completely client-side, without contacting the server. This would allow for smooth skin control animation, as one example he mentions.
This is a great suggestion for a way to do some of the asked-for client-side stuff, in a consistent and well-understood domain (JS, browser scripts).
Ter13 resolved issue with message:
Feature was addressed in 504.1228 and 504.1229. |