A man was arrested today for "soliciting sex from a minor." Oh no, that sounds absolutely horrible. God damned pedophiles trying rape our kids and scar them for life. Yeah, no.
Here's what actually happened. So this guy, right, he's gotta take a leak. So what does he do? He walks into a public restroom, of course, and hits the nearest stall. There, sitting on the stall is a note from a 14-year-old boy who says he's willing to perform oral sex on an older man for free, and he leaves his contact information. Our hero, your every day average homosexual man who is naturally attracted to any pubescent male, reads the note and thinks "Hey, I haven't gotten laid in a while. What could it hurt?" So he drains it, then he pulls out his cell and dials the number. The kid picks up. Our hero tells the boy about himself, and the boy replies with something along the lines of "That's perfect! Come over any time!" "Score," think everyone's favorite gay guy, who sets off in a hurried pace to the boy's place of residence. He walks up to the door. Knocks once. Knocks twice. "Freeze!" The armed policemen have their weapons cocked and aimed at him. "Put your hands in the air where I can see them and step away from the door. Place any weapons you have on the ground."
Yet another dastardly villain taken down by the police's noble and totally legal entrapment technique.
Alright, people, let's face the facts. Teens nowadays aren't as innocent (and usually aren't as virginal) as they used to be. I understand that you don't want to see some 56-year-old dirty old man feeling up you 9-year-old daughter. That's fine. What we're talking about is a guy in his twenties accepting, not even offering, but accepting oral sex from a kid in an age range that all people are biologically tuned to be attracted to.
"Oh no, Izen, that kid was only 14. There's no way he could have known what he was doing."
Lies. I was 14 myself a few years ago, and do you know what I was thinking about all the time? That's right. Girls. I wanted nothing more than to have sex with a girl. Granted, it's a little more awkward to relay this point for a boy offering sex to another guy, but it's really no different. Oh, and let's not forget about how entrapment is totally illegal and immoral. I seriously doubt this guy went out on a day to day basis trying to reel in teenage boys, but when he was offered free sex with no strings attached, how could he refuse? He is a man, after all.
I guess what I'm saying here is America needs to calm down with it's harshness against these "sex offenders." I'm not trying to say that we should all be free to go out and bag us a little girl, or that we should all be allowed to coerce kids into sex. I just don't think that a fully-pubescent guy should be locked away for accepting an offer from another fully-pubescent guy.
Make of it what you will.
Oh yeah, and here's your icon. It's Zelda from The Legend of Zelda games.
inb4 izens tryin 2 com outa da closet guise
![]() Mar 25 2010, 6:35 pm (Edited on Mar 25 2010, 7:46 pm)
![]() Mar 25 2010, 6:38 pm
Also, Operation GoatseTunnel has moved forward into the construction phase on MineCraft. I'll talk about it sometime.
The reason the age of consent is generally over fourteen isn't because people think teenagers aren't horny bastards, spanky.
Popisfizzy wrote:
The reason the age of consent is generally over fourteen isn't because people think teenagers aren't horny bastards, spanky. I might have said that accidentally. The age of consent is in place because people are convinced that teens are too irresponsible to be allowed to commit such a sacred act all willy nilly. But it's not a sacred act. It's just sex, and even if you put an age limit on it, teens will still do it with each other. Tell me, which is safer, sex with someone who's wise and experienced enough to know to use protection of someone who couldn't care less about what's ahead and want to live in the now? |
Izen wrote:
Popisfizzy wrote: Tell me something: Wouldn't that depend on the individual you're having sex with? |
Jedioh wrote:
Izen wrote: That's the point I was trying to make. Older people are generally more experienced and know what they're doing, so statistically it would be safer for these teens to have sex with them instead of each other, but this is illegal due to age of consent laws. |
What point am I missing, exactly? Are you saying that the age of consent laws are in place because people do think teenagers are horny bastards? If that's the case, then I don't think I'm missing the point. Of course, it might help for you to elaborate instead of just saying "no thats wrong." |
Just because someone is older, doesn't mean they have regards for your safety, so that's why I said it depends on the individuals. There could be a guy outside who's older and seems to be experienced, but that doesn't mean he'll have respect for my safety. lol This is why we have sex education, at least some children in some schools have sex education so you could have safe sex with someone your own age, my parents open-minded people, sure it was humiliating to talk to them about it, but it most likely saved me getting a STDs or something.
So I would have to disagree when you say that "Older people are generally more experienced and know what they're doing, so statistically it would be safer for these teens to have sex with them instead of each other." |
You raise a fantastic point, and I strongly agree that sex education is a great thing, but people will still view sex as either something holy not meant for pleasure or something dirty and they'll always think that teens, no matter how mature or responsible they seem, shouldn't engage in it. Personally, I think some sort of responsibility test should be enforced over an age of consent. |
Izen wrote:
What point am I missing, exactly? Are you saying that the age of consent laws are in place because people do think teenagers are horny bastards? They exist because relationships with authority figures are generally manipulative, especially so when one of the participants is a teenager, because teenagers are stupid. |
Regardless of what you seen to think, a fourteen-year-old having sex with anyone, let alone a grown-up man, consent or no consent, is extremely dangerous. Even if we assume the other person was a responsible adult (which I doubt he was, having accepted sex from a kid), sex is a very emotionally difficult experience and should not be done until a person is mature enough, both age-wise and mentally. And even if we assume such a 14-year-old exists, the social stigmas associated alone are reason enough to prevent these things from happening.
If you think the man in that report was doing anything that could be considered moral, you're a sick and disturbed person, and I hope you're typing this from an asylum. |
He planned to break the law, and knew what he was doing was risky and illegal. I really doubt you're going to sway me with the pro child-rape part of the argument.
Toadfish wrote:
Regardless of what you seen to think, a fourteen-year-old having sex with anyone, let alone a grown-up man, consent or no consent, is extremely dangerous. Even if we assume the other person was a responsible adult (which I doubt he was, having accepted sex from a kid), sex is a very emotionally difficult experience and should not be done until a person is mature enough, both age-wise and mentally. And even if we assume such a 14-year-old exists, the social stigmas associated alone are reason enough to prevent these things from happening. Agreed. Well, to be honest..I do not know why you would call someone, go to their place..When you have no clue whom they are. The entrapment was not really bad in my opinion, one less pedophile off the streets. But Ya, for Izen - Age does not always tell responsibility. Thats a form of ethnocentrism. Development occurs in a general pattern, but the speed at which one develops is dependent on heredity and environmental factors. Also, individuals are not genetically "sex-craved". Thats an environmental factor associated with your social environment. Men in America have on average a larger part of the brain associated with "sexual pursuit" than women. But, thats because of neuroplasticity. So get your facts straight before making premature judgments on a situation. |
Veemonthedemonking wrote:
izens tryin 2 com outa da closet guise He is basically like Freud in Psychology...he applied himself as an example as to why "He is a man, after all". It is comedic..He just implied 14 year olds were hot, therefore..He was basically saying: "Since my sexual interest started at age 14, then even when I get older I can still find them attractive". Lol, One could only assume that his pictue is some form of portable masturbation device, disguised as his favorite pokemon! |
How about all those 17 year olds that look like their in their early 20's that go out to bars, get drinks from men there, get busted by a parent, and then proceed to lie their ass off and say that the man giving them drinks was trying to rape them?
You guys have me totally marked. Bravo. Now if you get me any sort of reputable research that states that sex is "emotionally dfficult" and I might start listening to you. Or you can just keep going on about what you've been told since birth because your parents always know what they're talking about. Of course, what does it matter now anyways? You're all just butthurt over someone you don't even know's opinion and think that somehow you're going to change it, but I only listen to reason, not belief.
And I love the "omg this is child-rape" tone of your replies. Because when someone solicits you for sex, it makes you a rapist, not them. That's just simple logic. Did anybody want to comment on how this guy got bought in through entrapment? Do you know what entrapment means? You're all acting like this guy was a devoted teen-slayer and not some guy who wanted a blowjob and didn't really care who he got it from provided they were willing. "Portable masturbation device." Now that's beautiful. If ever has there been a conclusion so baselessly jumped to, it would be this. But apparently BYOND thought that a picture of a fully-clothed girl hugging a Pokemon was too explicit and removed it, so we should probably just keep talking about having sex with teenagers. |