Keywords: movement, smooth, tile
(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
Hey, I'm wondering how I would go about making a movement system that is tile based, but stays smooth. Similar to how the old pokemon games worked - If you held a direction, you would move in that direction at a constant speed, without any acceleration - but always stopped on a tile.

This would also have to remove the whole problem where you hold a button, it moves you for a moment, stops, then realizes you're holding it, and starts moving again.
Best response
You might want to look at glide_size and definitely increase the frame rate (world.fps). If you want to be able to use multiple keys down at a time, you'll need a movement loop that checks when a key is down. For that, you could use Forum_account's Keyboard or maybe even SuperAntx's Simple Move.
In response to Kaiochao
So, I set glide_size=2 and fps to 32 - now my movement works fine when I just press a direction ,but when i hold it, the mob just jumps forward really fast. How would I limit that?
You need to put in a delay for each step.

if(ismoving == 0)
ismoving = 1
ismoving = 0
Move(get_step(src,dir) //you could use whatever movement style here