Keywords: motivation
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were largely spent creating and heavily revising a sophisticated blog entry about why I can't stand most MMORPGs.

Towards the end, I finished up watching the Sekirei series, which was as emotionally involving as it was prone to expose boobs. It's basically an ecchi harem comedy mixed with a typical power struggle anime, but it's really well done. Actually, I'm a little ashamed of enjoying it, not because of the ecchi undertone but rather because many animes are a bit like an MMORPG in that they first try to ensnare the viewer and then refuse to ever end. I was fool to think there'd actually be a conclusion by episode 12 -- hell no, they're going to milk all the money out of those utters that they can.

Things I did not accomplish that I was hoping to accomplish during the 10 days of Spring break:
  • Put development into a BYOND game. I sort of think this is important to my identity, as it involves generating an artifact to indicate that I can do more than talk about games.
  • Study for my Spanish midterm coming up tomorrow. At all. Have I completely mentally clocked out of school or what? Not good. It's not too late to do a bit of studying, but the overwhelming bulk of the load is memorizing things, and that's something that's a lot easier to do over time.
  • Exercise. Well, I might have exercised for a half hour a couple of days, but it would have been better to do this each day. All this sitting around no doubt contributed to my fatigue.
  • Finish Star Ocean: Second Evolution. Just so I could justify spending $30 on it. Conseqently, I renewed my subscription to GameFly under the rationale that I hope I'm never tempted to buy a game I can't play again.
Blargh! Actually, I think a large part of the reason why the week turned out why it did was because I was suffering a persistent cold. It's one of those low-level hanger-ons without severe symptoms but which make me feel generally too tired and cruddy to do much of anything the majority of the time. Hopefully I'll be recovered soon. Failing that, perhaps I'll just adapt.