1.) Check out my base!
Holy hell, how hard is it to draw a 32x32 naked man? What your "base" looks like is so completely irrelevant that taking the effort to make a big blog post about is really just a sign that your game A.) Sucks, and B.) Will never actually get made.
Does a carpenter drop what he's doing each time he installs a door knob so that he can show it to everybody? Does a cook leave the kitchen to let you know whenever he adds another ingredient to your meal?
Nobody cares about your base icon. Furthermore, if you actually find yourself in a debate with someone concerning who has the better base icon, your best life choice at that point is probably murder-suicide.
2.) I made a title screen, so I must have a game now!
The first thing that most BYOND 'developers' do when they decide to create a game is to make the title screen. The second thing that they do is immediately post a blog or forum topic about that title screen, as if they're already half-way finished with their game. (Ironically, they usually are.)
Doing a quick google image search for your favorite anime character and using your crap Photoshop skillz to super impose them over a background you made using the built-in filters is not game design. All that you're doing is stealing artwork drawn by someone with actual talent and taking a dump on it.
Cool title screens are a nice touch for games that don't suck. And if you fit the developer description above, your game sucks. No exceptions.
3.) Hey guyz this game is all original!
BYOND is always going to be a joke to outsiders so long as any developer who actually does some coding or pixel work for themselves feels compelled to post the fact that their game is "OMG ORIGINAL!!!" in big bold letters on their hub page. That's like me putting a sign on my lawn proudly proclaiming that I made myself a bowl of cereal this morning.
Guess what? Making a game actually involves... MAKING A F***ING GAME. <--- It's a secret so highlight to read it
If the big selling point for your game is the fact that it isn't stolen, then you and your game are a joke.
4.) I need a coder for my sweet game idea!
No, no you don't. You need to go learn how to code. If by some miracle you manage to trick someone else into coding a game for you, you're definitely hallucinating and you need to call 911 immediately.
People don't put the time and effort into learning how to code DM just so they can work for free bringing your idiotic game concept to life. You might as well ask an Olympic Swimmer to swim the 100 Meter in your name while you sit in the bleachers giving them uninformed advice on their breast stroke.
5.) Let's help BYOND!
Frankly, I don't care whether you want to help BYOND or not. But most of you who talk about it all the time are hopeless.
Do you really want to help BYOND? Then STFU. Right now.
No, I'm serious. Shut up. Stop talking about how much you want to help BYOND. Stop organizing stupid little contests. Stop trying to figure out how to promote BYOND across the internet. STOP.
If you truly want to do your part to help BYOND, go make a freaking game. Not an anime game, not a fan game: an original IP that belongs to you.
Can't code? Find someone who can and help them with Pixel Art, Mapping, Music, Sound Effects, Story Writing, Web Site Design, Game Promotion, etc etc etc. Everyone has a talent. Use yours and go find yourself a team of people who are actually going to get something done instead of talking about how cool their goddamn title screen is.
The only way BYOND is going to be successful, and I mean the only possible way, is for people to start making actual games.
You don't even have to make a sprawling RPG or complex Strategy game to make a huge difference. Can you imagine how different BYOND would be if there were even five new quality original games released every month? Even if they were only minor games, like BYOND versions of Battle Chess/Capture the Flag/Tower Defense/Any Board Game Ever Made, it would completely change the face of BYOND.
One last note: If you're making a fan game then you're part of the problem, so don't go running your mouth about how you want to improve BYOND.
Everything I've said here is incredibly obvious. I realize that the average BYOND 'developer' is a 13 year old kid who wants a Naruto game... but nowadays all developers seem to be emulating the idiot anime kid behavior pattern. Take some pride in your work. Stop just talking about making games and go do it.