Well, I just missed the Sunday deadline by a few hours.

Oh well. I hope that every one had as wonderful a first day of spring as I did. I know that a lot of people were complaigning that the first day of spring here was a bleak looking, cold, cand rainy day. I kept telling them that yes, if you expected today to be a bright sun shiney day, then yeah, it's a pretty crappy day. If however you looked a bit deeper, for a rainy day it was quite beautiful. The rain was falling gently, and the wind was aa refreshingly birsk one. You have to find it in your self to love some thing for what it is, not hate it for how it failed to live up to your expectations of what it should have been. A feat that I myself a. not always up to, but you have to tey damnit.

Now on to the meat and potatoes of this report.

[Final Frailties]

I have not given up on this game. I simply have far to much to accomplish as of right now to continue it's development at this time. I am sitting atop a mountain of ideas for it though.

One day I will come back to it I promise.

[Project #621]

I finally got The Hockie up and running on his own computer with a fresh install of Byond. Like me he is rather swamped, but we are both quite dedicated to this project. He now has all of the rescources he requires except an abundant supply of time.

[Army (Reserve) Life]

Things are going well, I qualified as a marksman last drill due to some computer errors in the est 2000 that I am not going to get into here.

I was able to do far more push ups on the latest pt test than ever before. Mid 60's. I was so proud. Then I went and failed my run by a minute... Stupid hangover.

I will be recieving a promotion to Corporal soon, and I have begun to put together my promotion packet for Sergeant.

Things look good all around.

[Real Life]

Things could be better, but they could also be a hell of a lot worse.

I finally have access to running water today, and let me tell you that first shower after 4 days of not having water was a thing of fucking beauty. I was able to shave and clean myself up rather nicely when it's all said and done.

I am once again relegated to my phone being the only internet access I possess at the moment, which sucks, but at least I have access right.

I have recently taken a far more active role in the maintanance of our house. The cooking, cleaning, laundry and what naught, I must say that I feel signifigantly better about both the house and myself for my efforts.

Earlier today I got my car stuck in the mud because the area I parked in decided to flood and my front end sank a good 4 inches. So I had to run to town which is way the hell away now and buy a tow strap, but hey, now I have a tow strap right?


I now end my report and ready myself to face the new week head on.

I leave you with something to consider, as well as a seemingly easy task.

What is the one thing around your house, school, or place of gainful employment that you truely despise. Now consider for a moment just why you loathe it so.

Once you've done that for a moment, write me a little haiku about the object of your unbridled and rightious seething hatred.

Remember kids, haikus are those little three line poems with five sylables on the first line, seven on the second, and five again on the final line.

For me personally, it would have to be stocking the drive through window beer cooler. It's right beside the front door so many people come in and grab multiple 30 packs of beer out of it when there is a much larger cooler just 100 feet away.

Storage close at hand
For beer the people demand
Forever empty.