So I started work at 6am today. That's fine, unfortunately, my sleeping pattern isn't fully adjusted to my new working life, so I only got three hours of sleep. That was fine, a downing a can of red bull in under fifteen seconds at the start of my smoke break gave me all I needed to get through today.
But, this is where the popularity comes in. I work for Perishables right, the Nightfill department just called me up, and asked me to come back to work at 7pm and work until 10pm. So there goes my 8pm planned bed (lets face it, I'm stuffed from lack of sleep and moving heavy boxes all morning). And they also called me in for tomorrow night, 7pm - 12am (possibly 2am). Which means, if I do work until 2am, I make double-time and a half for two hours work.
(For the record, my Double Time and a Half Rate of Pay is: 50.98. Any hour by that pay rate is just fine by me.)
This week sees the beginning of my savings plan for a new computer. Not that there's anything wrong with my current computer, after all, it's pretty good by 2004 standards. But we're in 2010, and I want something more powerful. And I will purchase the individual pieces to make that happen.
(Then, I'm going to take an all black case, cut out a ... word I've forgotten... silhouette? of my Avatar (smiling kitten) and paint it on the site. It'll be awesome).
That's it for me, I'm going to get what little sleep I can.
![]() Mar 18 2010, 8:31 pm
You're even popular on BYOND. :P
Of course I am. I'm the Tiberath. Lord and Master of upcoming and exciting things you'll learn more about later. ;)
That aside, I just learned from my older brother that because tonight is a split shift, the entire three hours I work tonight is worth Double Time and a Half. So I make 150.00 for tonight, plus the 100.00 I made for my morning shift. 250.00 for one days work. That sounds pretty damn sexy to me. |
That's almost double what I made at my last job for a week as a telemarketer, and about the same as my wife makes as a CNA(certified nursing assistant) in two weeks. I think it's safe to say pay rates in AU are much better. Do you guys have legalized/lenient laws on marijuana? I'm looking for a new country to move to.
Marijuana is illegal in all states, but I'm fairly sure it's only a minor crime. Here might be of interest though.
As for my rate of pay, I'm a casual, so I don't have set work hours. Therefore, I could be really lucky one week and make crap loads, and make next to nothing the next week. |
Well, I spent three days at a backpackers there. It was great.
There was a large assortment of backpackers from all walks, four Canadians, two from Austria, two from New Zealand and a French guy. We sat around a big campfire, two guys would light up and pass them clockwise around the circle. They certainly weren't shy about sharing. 1 Gram goes for about $10.00 AUD. (10 Australian dollars = 9.21500 U.S. dollars.) Funny story, just after arriving in town, my two friends and I went to the only cafe in the town, ordered a couple of cups of tea and some cake, and setup a game of Chess. This old hippy fella, really nice guy, stuck around to watch us play, then challenged the winner to a game. He's was actually a really good player. Anyway, I was rolling a tobacco cigarette, and he says to me "I'll trade you some bud for a bit of tobacco", in that kind of "I'm going to do it anyway, you don't have a choice" way. Didn't bother me any, so I agreed as he was making the exchange. Two joints worth in exchange for tiny pinch of tobacco. Best no-effort deal I ever made. I was on holiday, travelling the country, drugs and drinking was expected of me, so I partook. <.< |
Ten dollars a gram is high priced, a gram of commercial weed in the U.S. is five dollars. That all depends though, if it was a better strain it was probably worth it. I usually try to buy up all of the 60/120 bud in town when there is any. That would be 60 for 3.5 grams(which unless they are a dick they weigh out to 4 to 5 grams) and 120 for 7 grams(which again depends on your connect).
I'm sure being at a world renowned pot fest it was probably weed worth well over 10 dollars a gram though. It turns out my friend deceived me, felons can get a passport and leave the country once off parole. I'm there! In about 3 to 6 years depending on my current case. =P |
If you have a criminal record, you can be denied entry into the country.
Better make it 12 years without any screw ups. |
Oh, I just finished work. 8 hours spread out over the day on three hours sleep.
Total consumption: 3 cans of Red Bull. 2 600ml bottles of Coke. 1 600ml bottles of Pepsi. 1 1.25ltr bottle of Coke. #INF Cigarettes. With the amount of caffeine, nicotine and several other chemicals in my system, as well as fatigue, I managed to cut myself with my box cutter and not notice. At least tomorrow I get to do the job with a decent amount of sleep. |
Double time and a half? Is that what Australian law requires? Here in the states we only get time and a half if we break 40 hours in a week.
Danial.Beta wrote:
Double time and a half? Is that what Australian law requires? Here in the states we only get time and a half if we break 40 hours in a week. I assume it's really up to the business. Back in the video store it was only time and a half for public holidays. Or it could be based on how much income the store/franchise makes. Woolworths is Australia's largest retail chain, pulling in somewhere around 4 or more billion a year. Perhaps they realise the job is thankless and just like to be nice? ;) Either way, I certainly didn't break 40 hours of work this week. It'll be 20 tops, unless they call me in on Sunday (which would be nice, but I'd like a day off somewhere. My bones are aching.) Spit Shifts (as in, work # hours for one department, go home, get called back to work # hours for another department) are technically illegal, I think. |
Finished work at 2am, came home, put on some Comedy Central, passed out before the second comedian had finished. Royally buggered.
Was offered work today, but my mother turned it down on my behalf while I was asleep (who the hell calls someone who worked until 2am up at 8am?). Though I would have preferred to work it, honestly. Sunday gives time and a half according to my brother. Which would have been nice. Needless, my first pay day is going to rock. =D |
(For the record, my Double Time and a Half Rate of Pay is: 50.98. Any hour by that pay rate is just fine by me.)
Very nice! Save that money. Reminds me of my 70 hour work weeks during the summers way back when... |
Djken wrote:
@Djken: You're an idiot. Grow up.
You'll find the majority of people who make games actually worth playing are well into their 20s. If you think BYOND is actually for kids, you're an idiot, also, you're dead wrong. |
Byond is used more by kids, but in terms of the games worth playing, exactly 0% of them are made by people under 18.