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I made it all myself.

On a more serious note, -what the hell- is with Photoshop? I use Paint for everything. I decided to load up Photoshop to see if I could make anything. I can't figure out how to make a @$@!ing circle! WHERE IS MY CIRCLE TOOL?

Jermman has enlightened me on this subject.

Thats amazing!
can u plz wurk on meh dbz game its naught a rip i mad it me self i cunt giv mony but i gib u gm plz!>!!!>
...i cunt...

It's ugly, the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. I could do better in paint with my toe!

Nahhh, I was just kidding, I like it. It's ubah kewl!1!11one!1hundredandone!11
It's easy to find the circle tool. It's part of the square shape tool, so you change it by clicking the tab thing.