Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
flick() could take additional parameters for a start and stop frame. Which if put in backwards order would flick the animation backwards between those frames.

It could also return the duration of the flicked animation, since it currently returns nothing.
src<<"Ah, that was refreshing"
I like the ideas.
Seems like a good idea to me, and as long as you can leave the paremeters off for it to work in the default manor, im all for it, that way my game and stuff compiled in the new version wont have to change all that stuff.

I probably use flick() about a million times in my game. Exaggerated, but still, I would not be happy to have to change all those lines which use flick().
I think I suggested the latter a while back, not very many responses though. I'd have to support this as well.
I support this
I support this, too.
Would also be nice to be able to set the state delays @ runtime. or +/- them all by an amount @ runtime.