After finishing my map saving library, I gave it the acid test on Peregrine City's original map, a 500x500x2 monster .sav file. After four hours (by hour two I was killing myself for putting in those 'sleep(1)' commands) the task was complete: For the first time ever I could view and edit all of Peregrine City from within Dream Maker.
I also obtained an unexpected and amazing view of Peregrine City as it might be seen from a satelite. I've posted it here for you to enjoy, along with an anotated version (click the image).
Feb 28 2006, 1:30 pm
That looks pretty awesome.
Garthor wrote:
How, exactly, does a city have "undescovered" sections? A large 'seed' map was created to give the city area to expand. As you can see from the two settlements listed, expansion took place to the north and southeast (Isolated houses were also built near the edge of both elf encampments). Certain areas of the map remained unexplored. |