![]() Mar 3 2013, 2:41 pm
I honestly liked when certs were given out and not rp levels... I mean come on, people with a low amount of time like me get the short end of the stick. It's perfect for some people but I know I'm at least a 2 cert rper on the old system. I mean keep the sp system, that just invites rp but rp levels ends up screwing over late joiners and people with a low amount of time. It does that a hell of a lot more then help stemulate rp. Example: This wipe and a few others where even though I joined near the start my character was left in the dust within the first three days.
*Comes to visit Way of the Soul*
*Would place flowers and a Hollow Ichigo mask onto its grave.* Rest in Peace.... *sniff* I ain't cryin'..... Cryin' is for bitches... *sniff* |
I'm going to pretend I didn't say this would happen. And this didn't happen because of Swift -- He ran it as well as any owner should.
He ran it-terribly- Ernest you where barely on...So shush...Swift was bad because he fell under what I call "Owner pressure"
No, what was terrible was how much faith you put in the admins to do what you wanted. If you had less faith in them and tried to do things yourself, you wouldn't have ran into the trouble of requiring admins for -every little thing- that you wanted to roleplay. Admins are there to make sure bad things don't happen, not to run a game and put people in rolls or to develop a story. If people hadn't relied on admins, the game would have moved on just fine.
Please, I had no faith when I showed up. They where over dramatic. Swift was a whinner and so was Nens. I barely asked for anything. Its the other people that forced them to fall under that pressure. So yeah. Plus, you where barely playing so shush
No, you're just disrespectful, you cannot possibly expect to insult me and join like nothing happened, there are consequence to actions even if you deem this consequence or not you joined for a reason, and were relieved of the right to play by your own actions
MOTHER FU- ARE YOU KIDD- Dude you goddamned hypocrite.You started it with the disrespect! You called me a cunt and countlessly insulted my intelligence. Of course I was gonna be disrespectful welcome to the internet(did I mention you treated me like shit). I only said the truth, if it hurts maybe you should change it. There's no saying Im sorry with you or anyway to get your stubborn little kid ass to reconcile with me. The worst part, I tried to make peace with you and be friends. But instead, you spat in my eye and laughed, right? I don't give a shit about your 'little' game. It saddens me that you think this is a serious impact on me. All I asked was if you where mad. "Relieved of my right to play." Hell, I wish I never joined this god forsaken game in the first place, cuz the owner is a cry baby that cant handle internet bad-talk. Grow up. (fyi just cuz you used big boy words doesn't mean you are grown up.)I wish I can meet you in real life so I can lose my respect for you in your face. Go ahead, screw up again like last time. Have a nice life, boy.
Im just saying what everyone else is thinking. Silence me if you must, but keep in mind--you cant silence freedom--! MERIKA!
your peace with me countless times was sarcasm, there is no excuse for it, you consistently aimed to piss me off -every- time you logged on, and you want to tell me i insulted -you- yeah i did, when i kept being spoken to by a sarcastic fuck. i have no time i want to waste with someone who cannot hold a real conversation. this is the least annoying conversation conversation I've had with you and even then, you insult me and my game without the sarcasm, and act like you're a saint. if everyone was thinking this why did i reacquire my player-base regardless.
Dude. I was sincere! I was in no way joking. I was dead serious. Maybe you just wanted to think that. I WAS NEVER SARCASTIC TO YOU! My god, this kind of stupid has not been discovered by mankind yet! Oh don't worry, Swift you will find a way...You always do. "Act like a saint" You think maybe I am just a nice guy? No, your meager views might make this seem like sarcasm. Why do I even offend/ disrespect you? You own a damn game. You should have known there would be butt-holes putting you down on your own game. You might as well shut the game back down if you cant handle even little ol' me.
You just took EVERYTHING I said as challenge for SOME reason. What good would it have done to me to constantly be sarcastic to you? Well nonetheless yyou fucked up any chances you have of getting a good friend yah jerk. Stubburn...Buttface.
Bcoates, I was "hardly playing" because I had left the game. That should have been common knowledge. And by leaving, I mean I had quit the game's staff.
And if you want to blame anyone for screwing up the game, you can blame me for giving up early instead of being as reliable as I could have. I had told Swift before I started programming that I was going to be unable to do it for long, but I held on longer than I should have. Things would have been different if I would have made different decisions.