Either Exadv1 is back to claim SS13 again or the Goons have gotten ahold of his account and have taken it for themselves which the more likly reason seeing as they now replaced several of the hub info and added images... Omg.. How..
Somone care to explain how the hell this happened they now control 100% of ss13.
Magicbeast20 wrote:

Who you calling nerd :L I just thought it was a disgrace but I don't spend time enough on that game to know.
Im pretty sure Magicbeast is just saying that nerds probably did it. Since only people who are complete dorks would waste time trying to break into an old BYOND account.
Judging from the Wiki message thanking Android Data, I assume he was a helper for that hub page, and he either assigned another helper (which I assume they can do) to take care of it, or he made the changes for them.
Exadv is an odd person, he's probably back.
Tiberath wrote:
Judging from the Wiki message thanking Android Data, I assume he was a helper for that hub page, and he either assigned another helper (which I assume they can do) to take care of it, or he made the changes for them.

I'll be pissied if he even dares give any of those morons any sort of 'power' in BYOND RPG.