Boyz II Men are the shiznit. What do you guys think of Boyz II Men? And on another note. Gorillaz > Pink Floyd.
In my opinion, Boyz II Men were another boy band put togethor by the evil record labelling corporations to awestruck girls in to buying CD's. Basically, Boyz II Men suck. Also, Pink Floyd > Gorillaz by a long shot.
... Boyz II Men predate boy bands, and they have badass songs.
Pink Floyd > Uub
... Die.
You would also like Kriss Kross >.>
They'll make ya JUMP JUMP!
Pink Floyd>Gorillaz
No no no! You have that part mixed up. I'll fix it for you:

Pink Floyd > Gorillaz > Develpous> Uub > Raekwon
Is Floyd another word for vagina, if not, I don't care.

As for Boyz II Men, I liked like two of their songs a long time ago but, that was back when my mother had that record player.
Gorillaz > Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd > Gorillaz > Develpous> Uub > Raekwon

Now thats mean, clearly Uub is better than Develpous.