I know I promised an update on my current project last weekend, but I've had a problem...

For you see, whenever I entered a test battle after the first, I would receive a funny little message telling me that my only monster died, despite having more than 0 health.

...I spent most of my programming time since last Wednesday trying to figure out the bug, I put checks all over the main battle logic, and couldn't find it. It drove me nuts, even though the fight played out like normal, that message was a red flag I thought, and instead of working on the various interfaces and other important things, I rewrote the entire battle logic again.

...and it showed up again. I nearly give up at this point, and kinda did for a few days.

...Fast forward to tonight, where I realize that I hadn't been flushing the battle message queue after each battle, meaning that the last message in the queue happily printed out right at the start of the fight. Nearly a weeks worth of progress wasted due to one little oversight.

...on better news, spring break starts tomarrow for me, and for those precious hours that I'm sober and awake, i'll spend on the game. I'll toss a full blog post about the game by sunday at the latest.

You obviously messed up in the coding or maybe you mistakened < with >

< <--- Less than
<--- Greater than
Yukay Karyuu wrote:
You obviously messed up in the coding or maybe you mistakened < with >

< <--- Less than
<--- Greater than

I already said I figured out what's wrong :/
Techgamer wrote:
Yukay Karyuu wrote:
You obviously messed up in the coding or maybe you mistakened < with >

< <--- Less than
<--- Greater than

I already said I figured out what's wrong :/

And you have Yukay to thank for that. Thank god he came otherwise, I don't know how you would have solved your problem...
QMarkReal wrote:
Techgamer wrote:
Yukay Karyuu wrote:
You obviously messed up in the coding or maybe you mistakened < with >

< <--- Less than
<--- Greater than

I already said I figured out what's wrong :/

And you have Yukay to thank for that. Thank god he came otherwise, I don't know how you would have solved your problem...

He's a miracle worker...
Who would have thought that it was because...well this might explain it:

Yukay > Code.